We promised – we fulfilled: Mykolayiv shipbuilding yard “Okean” has launched the first tug of “NIBULON’s” flotilla

On the31st of May, 2011 the first tug of POSS-115 project, “NIBULON-1” was launched at Mykolayiv shipbuilding yard “Okean”. The construction of a series of these vessels was started on the 30th of June 2010. Deputy Chairman of Mykolayiv regional state administration Vyacheslav Rukomanov on behalf of Governor of Mykolayiv region Mykola Kruglov showed his respect that despite all the difficulties today launching of the first tug “NIBULON-1” is held, and wished success to the first tug of “NIBULON’s” flotilla. Mykolayiv City Council Secretary Volodymyr Korenyugin also supported workers of shipbuilding yard and “NIBULON”: “Mykolayiv is a city of shipbuilders and shipbuilding will live as long as new ships undock”. Volodymyr Korenyugin thanked the Director General of “NIBULON”, Hero of Ukraine Oleksiy Vadaturskyy because “he acts and continues to act as a customer, despite difficult times for the company, he continues to provide team of the yard with work”. “Despite the difficulties and problems that exist today, the investment project on the revival of navigation along the Dnipro and the Southern Bug Rivers, which “NIBULON” started to implement, is being continued, – Chairman of Mykolayiv regional organization of employers “Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Mykolayiv region” Oleksandr Shpil said. – I’m pleased that today these orders allow Mykolayiv shipbuilding yard “Okean” to realize itself. In his speech to the teams of Mykolayiv shipbuilding yard “Okean” and “NIBULON” Oleksiy Vadaturskyy emphasized the importance of this event for the economy of Ukraine and Mykolayiv: “Today in Ukraine there are 56 tugs of such power, i.e. every sixth tug in Ukraine is of “NIBULON’s” level. There are only 17 push tugs of the class like ours: 60% push tugs in Ukraine are tugs of “NIBULON”. The situation in shipbuilding industry is a reflection of the fact that the state is not going to restore navigation on waterways in Ukraine, because push tugs are not constructed, and it is proved by the fact that during all the years of Ukraine’s independence there has not been constructed a tug of such a level! Today, there are only 13 orders at shipbuilding yards of Ukraine, 7 of them is the construction of half complete vessels, in other words – the construction of a hull only. It means that, these vessels will be equipped with power equipment, engines abroad! Our company together with workers of shipbuilding yard constructs complete latest vessels designed by Ukrainian project organization “Torola Design Group”, of Ukrainian metal, under the supervision of Ukrainian register, and they will work flying the flag of Ukraine. Remarkable is the fact that for the years of independence of Ukraine domestic shipbuilding yards have been constructing mainly for foreign partners, and, accordingly, Ukrainian customers have been placing their orders mainly abroad. That is, if an order is placed at the Ukrainian shipbuilding yard, four orders are placed at foreign shipbuilding yards of Romania and the Baltic states mainly. Our order is 100% Ukrainian! Ukrainian yard completely performs all works to the closure of the construction of each tug.” According to Oleksiy Vadaturskyy, “today in Ukraine the average age of tugs is 25-30 years, only 3 tugs have effective life of 3-4 years. That is the effective life of Ukrainian towing fleet is run out, and therefore it is to be written off. Investment program of “NIBULON” on the revival of navigation along the Dnipro and the Southern Bug Rivers on the construction of non-self-propelled vessels and tugs involves an investment of USD 80 million. What other company would dare to implement such a project during the years of independence and the crisis? During the implementation of the shipbuilding program the company additionally arranges 100 workplaces, and in general the investment program on the construction of elevators and fleet provides additional implementation of 1,000 workplaces. Another important feature of the entire agricultural sector is that Ukrainian agricultural company for the first time is constructing a fleet, it is financing the construction of fleet itself, specialists of the company are fully engaged in the completing first-class equipment of the best world samples. “NIBULON” works directly with all contractors: complex equipment installers, construction electrician, electronics, experts of radio-navigational equipment. The company’s specialists directly conclude contracts and are involved in upgrading this tug. This unique event indicates that the company can grow corn as well as posses logistics system and occupy high positions in the global and domestic market, but thus reveals the talent of the company’s professionals engaged in shipbuilding and the revival of the Ukrainian fleet. Thus, we can say that we are fully engaged in shipbuilding. There are no other tugs of such a level of quality and excellence in Ukraine. This will be the best, most modern, European-level push tugs in Ukraine! Characteristics of the push tugs .is a reflection of the fact that only the capacity to store diesel fuel is 140 days, and the autonomy of swimming of the tug can swim up to 30 days without refueling! Equally important is that the team of tugs will consist only of those professionals who have passed the school of “NIBULON” and adopted the philosophy of our company’s work. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Ukreximbank and the Government of Sweden, the Netherlands, through their export-credit funds, OTP Leasing LTD takes part in the construction of tugs. General Director of “NIBULON” in his speech said that certainly our company has gained an experience of cooperation with the yard “Okean”. We are ready to further develop cooperation and load shipbuilding yard “Okean” with round the clock work for 2 years forward, placing our orders on construction of 12 tugs and 12 non-self-propelled vessels specifically for the Southern Bug River, eco-friendly catamarans for the restoration of passenger traffic (up to 80 passengers at a time!), pontoons and more interesting offers. But we can not do this because the Ministry of Agrarian Policy is constantly interfering into activity of our company, on its will we were prevented from providing grain shipment for export, and our company stood idle for 5 months. We are constantly feeling the pressure from law enforcement and other regulatory agencies, which interfere with our normal work. But despite all the difficulties, we will certainly finish the investment program on the construction of six tugs that was planned by us together with the governor of the region Mykola Kruglov! Given that this project has enormous significance for both builders and for shipbuilders, I would like Mykola Kruglov to make point clear, whether Mykolayiv region and Ukraine need our company. If it is needed, it is necessary to support our company and to give 4.5 thousand workers of “NIBULON” an opportunity to work! I’m sure that everything that is done by high ranking officials in relation to “NIBULON” is made without the knowledge of the President of Ukraine. Since our work meets those program objectives that the President performs. I am convinced that we will achieve justice!” Oleksiy Vadaturskyy thanked all workers of shipbuilding yard “for their titanic work in creating of this tug.”  According to the President of Mykolayiv shipbuilding yard “Okean” Leonid Shumilo, orders of “NIBULON” helped to save the factory capacities and workplaces: “I’m grateful to Oleksiy Vadaturskyy for reliable and open partnership in the implementation of the project. We especially need those orders the company plans to place in our yard. Today the world financial crisis led to a decline of volumes of river and sea shipments and as a consequence to the direct reduction in demand for shipbuilding. So for us as a shipbuilding enterprise it is important that “NIBULON’s” activity was not interfered and an opportunity to work properly was given. I am convinced that the partnership of the yard and “NIBULON” will continue to be constructive and give positive results in the implementation of the common goal for all of us. Due to the cooperation with “NIBULON” we are provided with work for a long period. Together with “NIBULON” we can implement the aims and objectives of economic reform program of the President of Ukraine. Creation of high-grade shipbuilding products meets national interest and helps to restore the status of Ukraine as a strong maritime state with a developed infrastructure and modern maritime fleet. I am convinced that only with the help of joint efforts we will manage to restore used-to-be power of domestic shipbuilding enterprises.” Usual workers of the yard are also concerned about such a complicated situation. In order to help primarily to themselves and their families shipbuilders addressed to the President, the Prime Minister of Ukraine and the Governor of Mykolayiv region. In particular, onsite foreman of shipbuilders of a workshop Valeriy Kozlov, who spoke on behalf of the team of “Okean”, called on the state and region leadership to stop bureaucratic tyranny against “NIBULON”: “We ask you to protect Ukrainian company from arbitrariness, pressure and harassment from the authorities and law enforcement bodies, to protect the real investment in our country. In turn, shipbuilders will revive Ukrainian shipbuilding, carrying out shipbuilding orders of the company and filling up “NIBULON’s” fleet with new vessels that are constructed with our hands of Ukrainian steel and that will prowl the seas flying Ukrainian flag. We do not want to go abroad and seek jobs in foreign lands. We want to live at home and work at our Mykolayiv enterprise!” “NIBULON” in reality shows that despite all the difficulties Ukrainian agricultural company can act as the locomotive of the economy, shipbuilding, and it shows with its actions that the future belongs to the agricultural sector of Ukraine.

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Андрій Вадатурський


Андрій Вадатурський став генеральним директором «НІБУЛОНу» після понад 15 років роботи в компанії — в липні 2022 року.

Він прийняв цю посаду після трагічної загибелі свого батька та засновника «НІБУЛОНу» Олексія Вадатурського разом із матір’ю Раїсою Вадатурською під час російського ракетного удару по їхньому дому в Миколаєві.

З 2014 до 2019 рік був народним депутатом України від одномандатного округу в Миколаївській області та членом Комітету з питань аграрної політики. У 2017 році створив і очолив велику міжпартійну групу, яка виступала за розвиток українських річок як транспортного засобу.  

Має ступінь магістра електротехніки Українського державного морського технічного університету та ступінь магістра економіки промисловості Лондонської школи економіки. У 2009 році за вагомий внесок у розвиток агропромислового комплексу України був нагороджений Президентом України, йому присвоєно звання «Заслужений працівник сільського господарства».

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