Results of “NIBULON’s” Standard Project: the Quantity of Overachieving Pupils Increased Twice at Three Mykolayiv Schools!

A well-known phrase “the children are our future” always was and will be very important for “NIBULON” and to ensure the best education is the first-rate task for the company. General Director of “NIBULON”, Hero of Ukraine Oleksiy Vadaturskyy considers we should not save on money and time to create deserved conditions for our little Ukrainians as Ukraine’s future depends on them. Ukrainian children must study and develop at the level of European pupils do.
Since 2006 the company has been implementing its “NIBULON’s” standard. The project aim is to raise educational and cultural levels of young generation, to provide equal appropriate conditions of education both in city and rural educational institutions. An assistance being provided within “NIBULON’s” standard program is not one-time. It is systemic and constant. Only such a systematic approach brings a deserved result –children’s educational progress, an increase of scholarship level.
The sponsored schools No 57, 51, 24 can be proud of high results of cooperation with “NIBULON”. It has become a good tradition to give presents on the Knowledge Day – modern multimedia classrooms equipped with interactive boards and software.
“NIBULON” thinks thoroughly of computerization of school education. Modern equipment is installed not only in the classrooms. Thus, at Mykolayiv sponsored school No 57 there was created a unique computerized library which is considered the best in the city. In 2010 at the contest of school libraries it got the status “The best library in Ukraine”. This unique library arouses interest of not only Ukrainian colleagues. In order to share an experience, teachers from Moscow (the Russian Federation) visited school No 57.
Last school year “NIBULON” presented a renewed assembly hall to this school. The assembly hall is equipped with a multimedia projector given by the company. Therefore, due to implementation of new technologies, Mykolayiv pupils study with interest.
This year Mykolayiv school No 57 received two language laboratories to study English. For the first time in Mykolayiv city there was created a language laboratory for the first formers (according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No 462 “On Approval of the State Standard of Elementary Education” dated 20.04.2011). The second language laboratory, opened this year, is intended for senior pupils.
“NIBULON’s” sponsored schools have become a centre of computer literacy of not only pupils but also their parents, other children of microdistricts. The administration and teachers of schools got an opportunity to participate in the Internet-conferences, All-Ukrainian projects “Open world”, “”, to publish their methodical groundwork in the Internet-editions “Teacher-online”, “Teacher”. The teachers of sponsored schools won in the contests on the development of presentation lessons.
In order to use computer equipment effectively, “NIBULON” provides the sponsored schools with the Internet since 2006. In order to work with interactive boards, the teachers underwent training with the specialists of “Institute of Modern Technologies in Education” company – a supplier of innovative equipment. For 5 years of cooperation with “NIBULON” the share of teachers, being familiar with modern teaching methods, increased by 23% at sponsored schools and that is almost 90% of teachers.
“Today it is possible to say that our teachers are one of the first in Mykolayiv city who became proficient in information and communication technologies and have the appropriate Certificates” – mentioned director of school No 57, Tetyana Blakytna. Until this school year two teachers of computer science from Mykolayiv city art center worked here. At present the school teachers have reached an appropriate level and can prepare children for the contests on programming. Thanks to “NIBULON”, a software engineer, being a school-leaver of this school, supports computers and multimedia boards presented by “NIBULON”.
 “NIBULON” set a task to ensure child’s harmonious development, thus the company assists in sports training of pupils. Every year all sponsored schools within Ukraine receive a set of balls and sporting equipment. This year “NIBULON” presented a gym to Mykolayiv school No 57. Due to “NIBULON” there are football and handball groups. The boys’ handball team takes the second place in the region, and the girls’ one – the third one. As concerns football groups (there are 4 football groups at this school), the team remains the best in Mykolayiv city and its region for a long time.
Since 2010 “NIBULON” has been giving presents to Mykolayiv boarding school No 6. Its pupils received repaired classrooms equipped with computers and multimedia boards, projector and new furniture.
“Until now during teaching process and carrying out educational activities, the teachers used printing visualization mostly that prevents from a complete formation of ideas about surrounding world, says Mykola Smirnov, the director of Mykolayiv boarding school No 6 for children with hearing defects. But, since 2010 our boarding school has got a unique possibility to modernize educational process for handicapped children. “NIBULON”, headed by the General Director Oleksiy Vadaturskyy, equipped classrooms of Ukrainian language and literature, chemistry, biology, physics and mathematics with personal computers and modern multimedia systems that gave an opportunity to carry out lessons more effectively and qualitatively and to raise children’s motivation.
Hearing defects are compensated by the development of creative abilities. Thanks to “NIBULON”, a visual arts classroom was re-equipped with new modern furniture. There is comfortably and nice here, a creative atmosphere was made. The art studio “Palitra” works here after classes where talented pupils of all ages work with interest. 4 pupils were rewarded with the vouchers to the International Children Center “Artek”, as they won the All-Ukrainian contest “Believe in yourself”, says Mykola Smirnov.
If we sum up all this support, provided for many years, we can see that all these computers would be enough for every school of our city. But “NIBULON’s” assistance aims to impress not by figures, but by a result. We have concentrated our efforts on the best education level to be obtained by the pupils of sponsored schools. These are 300 children from Mykolayiv city who have great opportunities to reach high achievements in their life and 6000 parents who need not worry whether their children will get an appropriate education.
Achievements of the company’s sponsored schools did not go unnoticed by the society: Evgeniy Masyuta, the director of Mykolayiv school No 51, and Tetyana Blakytna, the director of Mykolayiv school No 57, were recognized as “Citizens of the Year” in the nomination “Secondary school”, according to the results of the city program “Person of the Year”.
Due to constant implementation of information and communication technologies, free Internet access, the results of children’s learning activity and the professional level of teachers of “NIBULON’s” sponsored schools have been increased rapidly for the last 5 years.
On average, the share of overachieving pupils at sponsored schools increased twice. The quantity of pupils with low level of educational achievements decreased.
The quantity of pupils participating in the city contests increased by 30-70% during cooperation with “NIBULON”. If 5 years ago Mykolayiv schools No 51 and No 57 could only dream about participation in the regional and the All-Ukrainian contests, at present these schools are proud of their winners of the All-Ukrainian level!
According to the director of Mykolayiv comprehensive secondary school No 51, Evgeniy Masyuta, due to modern teaching technologies, the school rating increases every year, “For 3 consecutive years we have 5 first forms, last school year (2011-2012) it was one of the highest indices among schools of Mykolayiv city!”
 “The fruitful cooperation with “NIBULON” has other notable results. Our school-leavers are reckoned among those who got the highest points (200) in the external independent testing”, mentioned Evgeniy Masyuta.
“New computer classrooms are equipped in such a way so that children without any Internet access at home will get an opportunity to do their homework after school, to prepare papers, reports, presentations and the school-leavers will have an opportunity to prepare for the external independent testing undergoing the trial testing”, – mentions Tamara Zherebtsova, the director of school No 24.
The quantity of pupils who got the highest results in the final examination has increased twice for the last 5 years. There is a tendency: the number of school-leavers of “NIBULON’s” schools who enter the agrarian institutes of higher education or agrarian specialties increases every year. Thus, if five years ago only 13% of applicants wanted to study agrarian specialty, at present – almost 30%! The pupils of sponsored schools know more about “NIBULON’s” style of work – diligence, professionalism. Such an example makes agrarians specialties more attractive to the future school-leavers.
According to the director of school No 57, Tetyana Blakytna, “Since 2008 the quantity of participants of the regional contests among pupils has increased from 18 to 49%. For the last five years the rate of pupils who come to our school from other schools has been increased. An average fullness of classes is 29.03 pupils which is the highest in our city. For the last 4 years the rate of pupils entering the Universities has increased from 72 to 90%. Our children study in the prestigious Universities of Kyiv, L’viv, Odesa cities and Russia. For the first time 11 school-leavers received 195-199 points out of 200 possible.”
We provided information only about three schools. Indeed, 56(!) schools in 12 regions of Ukraine, tens of cities and settlements are involved in “NIBULON’s” standard program: receive support from “NIBULON” regularly, including repair, purchase of sporting equipment, school appliances, etc. The company’s sponsored schools are the real record-breakers in number of awards, overachieving pupils and talented children, pioneers in the implementation of modern technologies.
The pupils’ results have been improving for the last five years – that is what “NIBULON’s” standard means! A great work, performed by Oleksiy Vadaturskyy, will remain as a heritage for present and future generations.

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Андрій Вадатурський


Андрій Вадатурський став генеральним директором «НІБУЛОНу» після понад 15 років роботи в компанії — в липні 2022 року.

Він прийняв цю посаду після трагічної загибелі свого батька та засновника «НІБУЛОНу» Олексія Вадатурського разом із матір’ю Раїсою Вадатурською під час російського ракетного удару по їхньому дому в Миколаєві.

З 2014 до 2019 рік був народним депутатом України від одномандатного округу в Миколаївській області та членом Комітету з питань аграрної політики. У 2017 році створив і очолив велику міжпартійну групу, яка виступала за розвиток українських річок як транспортного засобу.  

Має ступінь магістра електротехніки Українського державного морського технічного університету та ступінь магістра економіки промисловості Лондонської школи економіки. У 2009 році за вагомий внесок у розвиток агропромислового комплексу України був нагороджений Президентом України, йому присвоєно звання «Заслужений працівник сільського господарства».

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