Residents of Lidiyivka defended their right to better life

Since Friday, the 3rd of September, Lidiyivka village of Domanivs’kyy district, where the branch of “NIBULON” is situated, lived in a particular mode by Wednesday the 8th of September. The case is that fighters for the rights of rural people of Lidiyivka village came to the village. Fifteen  young men in expensive cars arrived to explain the land law and planned to hold mass action on the 10th -11th of September in the village, and informed village head N.V. Babans’kyy about that.   They started their dirty work already on the 4th of September. They spread calumniatory leaflets, drove around the village with loudspeakers, led a campaign, tried to speak with residents of the village. On the same day at the request of countrymen, residents of Lidiyivka village gathered at the club to the public meeting. Representatives of the Ukrainian public organization “The interaction and success” were not admitted to the room that day by people. “This is our internal affair, affair of the village and collective – countrymen explained their refusal.   Director of the branch O.K. Tereshchenko described the economic activity of the staff and recalled everything that was made by “NIBULON” in the village to solve social problems and offered to participants of the meeting to express their views on the situation in the village. Ostensibly they came to protect residents of Lidiyivka village against arbitrariness of “NIBULON”. The opinion of all the speakers, people in the room was unanimous: we should not be defended from anyone. We are satisfied with our lives, with our cooperation with Vadaturskyy.   Nearly 150 participants of the meeting signed the appeal to the President of Ukraine V. Yanukovych, heads of regional and district administrations requesting protection from arbitrary of unknown gentlemen. The next day new leaflets were spread in the village and they were completely based on materials of the meeting, speech of O.K. Tereshchenko. Flows of mud were thrown on “NIBULON’, its general director O.O. Vadaturskyy, director of the branch O.K. Tereshchenko. (The last mentioned was even threatened criminal responsibility).   On Monday, director of O.K. Tereshchenko held an operational meeting of the staff and expressed his assessment of the events taking place, again people addressed, condemning the actions of the public organization, strongly suggesting to take effective measures to ensure normal conditions for life and work. Among machine operators, combiners, other employees sometimes there arose discontent: they have to work – sow, harvest, but not to hold a mass meeting. O.K. Tereshchenko insists that destructive rebel activities of rioters, adherents of Lutsenko family can not be left unattended, they should act within the law.   Then people started to apply to the head of the village R.V. Babanska with the requests, statements and appeals to hold a congregation of rural people, to once again express their views on the actions of so-called “defenders of the people’s rights” and make a decision on their expulsion from the village, even if it is necessary to proceed with a lawsuit to court.   Congregation was scheduled on Tuesday, 3 p.m. Feeling their weakness, representatives of public organization quickly produced another obviously provocative leaflet, to avoid meeting with people. Just before the congregation leaflets were spread in every yard. Very few people took that dirty bill, saying to face: “We do not need your leaflets, keep it as a remembrance”.   Hall of Cultural Center in Lidiyivka was almost absolutely full of people. Not only villagers came to the congregation, but workers of the branch also. They do not have the right to vote at congregation, but they can express their opinion. They are not indifferent to their future, because they have jobs in “NIBULON”, decent salaries, they are protected in the social plan (vacation, material assistance, sick leaf, guaranteed pension in the future, etc.).   R.V. Babanska opened the congregation of villagers. Representatives of the social organization “The interaction and success”. “To leave them or not?” – this dilemma was solved by voting. Most people wanted them to stay in the hall. “Let them listen and know what we think about them, and not to record on a dictaphone secretly, and then change facts in all their leaflets as they do” – people decided.    Then everything went as it should be at a real rural congregation. People expressed opinion on their own initiative, there was not even the slightest pressure from the village head R.V. Babanska or director of the branch O.K. Tereshchenko, or the head of district state administration A.Y. Tsehots’kyy, who also came to the congregation. Yaroshenko F.M. is a pensioner, resident of the village started her speech with memories of the events that took place five years ago: “We made a mistake when we listened to Lutsenko, and others. We regret about this, because we lost a lot. I even personally apologize to Oleksiy Vadaturskyy for being so stupid. So what – they want to involve us into adventure. They won’t have success! At that time we could have got a new school, but Oleksiy Vadaturskyy spent so much money for courts. Now what do we want to be left without a road and a gym? We do not need any protection, we have a defender – Vadaturskyy. You can see a beautiful hall where we sit. Name at least one village in the district where there is something similar. He cares about the school, each year all first grade pupils are dressed in school uniforms and are given schoolbags with everything they need for company’s account. Schools are provided with computer classes, renovation, children eat in the cafeteria, they are taken for excursion everywhere. No one will do it for us. Therefore, you can come back home, we don’t need your protection. When we will be given a land, who will till it for us?”   Iglava A.M. is a farm worker. Let me ask you: where do you see slaves that are described in your leaflets. We are not slaves, you can search them in other nearby villages. We are completely satisfied with our life and work in “NIBULON”. As for share, it is funny: name at least one farm unit, where price of share compiles UAH 8000. There is no place throughout Ukraine with such a share price. And you cheat on us, but in your leaflets you insist that “NIBULON” and Vadaturskyy want to deceive us. Material assistance, which is called nominal share, compiles UAH 2500. It is the biggest price in the district. In other villages, where people really own the land (according to the documents), they are given UAH 1300 – 2000 per year. We do not have our own land, but we get UAH 2500. Moreover we have a job, guaranteed salary, our children study at school with excellent conditions, we can spend our leisure time here in this wonderful hall, we have prospects for further development. What else can we ask for?   Demchenko V.M. is a mechanizer, a resident of the village, he started his speech from the question: “It is not clear – why did you come to us? Why did not you go to protect residents of Izbashivky, Ivanivka, Suha Balka where although people have land, but have problems and really need protection. Our great lands where we grow high yields do not give peace to someone. Where did they come from? They made some lists, included those who they wanted to, although they are strangers in the village. Over the years after “NIBULON” came to the village, there are people who work on the land longer than the Lutsenko, but they are not listed.     Iglava G.G. is a pensioner, resident of the village was also very emotional: sausage making shop does not give peace to them. Whatever you do – on Fridays sausages are brought to our village in a big amount. Moreover vegetable gardens are plowed for us, we are given whatever we need, and we have grown a lot of vegetables this year and we are given UAH 2500, and everything is done around the village. I get a pension that is a little more than UAH 800. And you, dear, (he touches a shoulder of representative of public organization, who sits in front) how much do you earn that you can afford such an expensive car?   Similar opinions, critics of actions of representatives of public organization “The interaction and success” were announced in speeches of villagers N.M. Gordienko, V.M. Tyzhnevyy, L.I.Garadzhiy, B. M. Voypana, V.P. Gendulyana and others. They also mentioned fully illuminated at night streets of the village, repaired and supplied to every house water delivery, and all this was made by “NIBULON”. Director of the local school, a deputy of village council in Suha Balka L.N. Byezina proposed to ask village head to make a decision of congregation to take action to expulsion from the village the defenders of rights to ensure secure conditions for normal life of the village, activity of branches before applying to the court if necessary.   Lutsenko tried to express his boundless respect to O.O. Vadaturskyy. He promised to give him the land for rent as soon as it will be shared. People offered him to leave the village if he has such a miserable life.   Acting chairman of the public organization V.O. Kobzar tried to give explanations about his expensive car. He said that he was brought up without a father, mother worked as a cook, and when he was 25 years old he became a millionaire. He wants to teach residents of Lidiyivka village how to gain such success. People did not allow telling them tall tales.   The decision of congregation, that was made by the vast majority of its members by voting, was to ask representatives of the public organization “The interaction and success” to leave the village. If necessary, to authorize the village head to apply to court in order to force their eviction from the village.   Thus, rural community defended their right to a better life, defended the good name of director of “NIBULON” O.O. Vadaturskyy, expressed a high opinion of the work of O.K. Tereshchenko, as a head of the branch.  

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Андрій Вадатурський


Андрій Вадатурський став генеральним директором «НІБУЛОНу» після понад 15 років роботи в компанії — в липні 2022 року.

Він прийняв цю посаду після трагічної загибелі свого батька та засновника «НІБУЛОНу» Олексія Вадатурського разом із матір’ю Раїсою Вадатурською під час російського ракетного удару по їхньому дому в Миколаєві.

З 2014 до 2019 рік був народним депутатом України від одномандатного округу в Миколаївській області та членом Комітету з питань аграрної політики. У 2017 році створив і очолив велику міжпартійну групу, яка виступала за розвиток українських річок як транспортного засобу.  

Має ступінь магістра електротехніки Українського державного морського технічного університету та ступінь магістра економіки промисловості Лондонської школи економіки. У 2009 році за вагомий внесок у розвиток агропромислового комплексу України був нагороджений Президентом України, йому присвоєно звання «Заслужений працівник сільського господарства».

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