Press Release: the construction of the first “NIBULON’s” transshipment terminal in Kherson region is started

The investment program of “NIBULON” aimed at the revival of the Dnipro and the Southern Bug Rivers as shipping transportation water ways of Ukraine is spread in Kherson region. The construction of the modern high-tech transshipment terminal on shipment of grain and oilseeds for river transport of “Kozats’ke” branch is started in Kozats’ke village of Beryslav district. The construction will become the first stage of the investment project implementation in the region. The branch of the company will be a powerful impetus for the development of the whole economic complex in Ukraine. In the first stage (in 2012) scheduled cost for the investment program in Kherson region amounts to UAH 160 million. The construction of the transshipment terminal will be financed both by own funds and funds of international financial institutions. An evidence of a good corporate image of “NIBULON” in the world is credibility on the part of prominent international financial institutions, such as the World Bank and the EBRD, as well as governments of Denmark, the Netherlands etc. Major banks cooperate with “NIBULON”, they are: «BNP Paribas» (France), «Banque Cantonale Vaudoise» (Switzerland), «ING» (the Netherlands), «Rabobank» (the Netherlands) etc. The head of Kherson Regional State Administration Mykola Kostyak with his team, local authorities create all conditions for the company, giving a new impetus to the development of investment initiatives. They have created all conditions to minimize red tape and quickest promotion of the investment program of the company. They show interest in the revival of the transport capacity of the Dnipro River by their support in every way. Thus, the project of “NIBULON” for Kherson region means work places for builders in the region, for residents of coastal districts, additional income for local farmers and large stable revenues to local and regional budgets. During the program implementation, services of national agricultural leader will be brought nearer directly to agricultural producers that will create proper conditions for grain reception and then significantly increase the economy of the district’s agricultural sector. An introduction of a perfect river transport infrastructure will unload roads of Kherson region. Commissioning of the terminal will provide state enterprises with work, such as Mykolayiv commercial sea port, Kherson commercial sea port (port charges), SE “Ukrvodshlyah” (fee for passing locks on the Dnipro River) etc. “NIBULON” came forward with the initiative to purchase land for construction in Kozats’ke village. This means that budgets of all levels have been receiving revenues since the first day of the company’s arrival to the region, without waiting for completion of construction. Also one of the pressing issues for the company and the local community is the construction of bypass roads. The company does not sit idle problems of the village, helps local educational and medical institutions, developing the infrastructure. “Today we are making a big step to revive Kherson region! Fertile Kherson land was waiting for such investor as “NIBULON” for years, and finally it has come! Today is a starting point, from which Beryslav district and Kozats’ke village will develop in a different pace than it was before. Today the company that not only talks but acts, enters our region”, Mykola Kostyak said. As for the terminal construction in Kozats’ke village, its estimated cost is UAH 160 million. Its specifications include: grain storage capacity – 76 thousand tons daily, capacity of dryers will be 4 thousand tons per day, loading capacity on water transport will be 10 thousand tons per day, number of employees will compile 60 people. A revolutionary technological solution, providing with the most modern equipment will become a business card of the facility. The main supplier of transportation equipment will be an old partner of “NIBULON”, Danish company «Cimbria Unigrain A / S»; the company «SCAFCO» (the USA) will supply silo equipment (granaries), the company «Schmidt-Seeger» – grain-cleaning equipment (Germany). A new modernized six-sectioned dryer «MC 3180» with a capacity of about 75 tons / hour will be installed for the first time at the terminal, the technical refitting was carried out by “NIBULON’s” specialists. American company «Mathews Company» supplies the equipment. Moist grain siloswith increased capacity of 250 tons each will play an important role in the technological scheme of the facility. A modern laboratory and office complex equipped with the latest technologies will be placed on site of the branch. In particular, it will be equipped with grain analyzers «Infratec-1241» (the company «FOSS Analytical AB», Sweden), samplers «Rakoraf» (company «PFEUFFER GmbH», Germany), thermal drying cabinets (company «Binder», Germany), infrared analyzers «INSTALAB-600» (company «DICKEY-john. Corporation», the USA), grain moisture testers «Mini GAC» (company «DICKEY-john. Corporation», the USA), laboratory scales «Ohaus Scout SPS-202F», «SPU-4001» (company «Mettler-Toledo International Inc.», China), sample splitters (company «Rationel», Denmark), fibrin measuring device «IDK-3N» (Russia), falling number measuring device «PCHP-7» (Russia). As for financing of the investment project on the construction of grain elevators and terminals, the Danish Export Credit Fund provided guarantees amounting to almost EUR 19 million in 2009 (the French bank «BNP Paribas» was a loaner), in 2010 guarantees amounting to over EUR 21 million were provided (the bank «ABN Amro» from the Netherlands was a loaner). A purchase of elevator equipment was funded under such guarantees. Now «US EXIM» (export-credit Bank of the USA) is considering providing guarantees to finance 75% of contracts for the supply of elevator equipment totaling over USD 13 million. «Raiffeisen Bank International» (Germany) will be a loaner. Signing the agreement is scheduled for April 2012. “NIBULON” in 2009-2011 acquired the following equipment produced in the USA for the construction of new elevators and terminals: laboratory equipment of «Abrook Inc» at a cost of USD 29 thousand and «Dickey-john Corporation» at a cost of USD 90 thousand, grain drying equipment at a cost of USD 3 million, silos and spare parts for them («SCAFCO») at a cost of USD 8 million; such Danish equipment was bought as well: filtering module installation («SIMATEK A / S») at a cost of EUR 1.9 million and grain shipment equipment («Cimbria Unigrain AS») at a cost of EUR 35 million. Ecological component is essential to “NIBULON”. The Dnipro is not only a transport water way, but also a drinking source for the Ukrainian people. Therefore, in order to protect the aquatic environment from pollution wastewater treatment technology of using ultrafiltration bioreactors of membrane type produced by “MITSUBISHI” (Japan) will be introduced in “Kozats’ke” branch. The uniqueness of the terminal in Kozats’ke village is in the fact that there will be built a unique berthing facilities with a length of 315 m, which includes cargo berth (105 m) and berthing dolphins (210 m). This will allow tying up three (!) non-self-propelled vessels «NBL» (each has a length of 90 m). Thus, taking into account the proximity of the facility to Kakhovs’kyy lock, moorage point of “NIBULON’s” cargo fleet will be created here. Ship loading machine and other equipment with a capacity of 500 tons / hr (produced by «TELESTACK», UK) to load non-self-propelled vessels will be installed alongside the cargo berth. A positive point is the location of the terminal in Kozats’ke village. It is situated below Kakhovs’kyy lock, which enables to deliver by water transport almost year round, in condition of towing fleet guarantee of ice class. “NIBULON” has a fleet of this type – tugs of «POSS-115» series. Incidentally, in 2011, the Dutch export agency «Atradius» and Swedish credit agency «EKN» granted loans to finance 85% of contracts to supply towing equipment – totaling more than EUR 3.5 million. Dutch bank «Rabobank» is a loaner, in April 2012 appropriate agreements will be concluded. Thus, despite the global financial crisis, shipping projects of “NIBULON” are supported by the World Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the State Export-Import Bank of Ukraine and governments of the Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark. “NIBULON” in 2011 purchased equipment of Dutch companies for the construction of tugs, such as valves and filters («Alfa Laval Aalborg BV») at the cost of almost EUR 5 million, steel sheets («STIGTERSTAAL BV») at the cost of EUR 62 thousand and drinking water equipment («Hatenboer Water») at the cost of EUR 41 thousand, as well as wall panels produced by Swedish company «Isolamin AB» at the cost of over EUR 255 thousand. The issue of year-round work of the terminal is a priority for “NIBULON” as revenues to the budgets of all levels (including local) should not be seasonal. Minimum turnover of the terminal will be 228 thousand tons (76 thousand x 3), i.e. during a navigation period, it will be possible to perform a minimum of 28 ship calls to the enterprise (new tugs of «NIBULON» of «POSS-115» project with two non-self-propelled vessels «NBL»). Maximum cargo quantity that elevator will ship on the water transport based on productivity of vessel loading machines is 3.3 million tons (500 tons x 9 months x 30.5 days x 24 hours), i.e. 412 ship entries during shipping season can be conducted. As well as at other companies, dredging will be conducted near the berth for possible mooring and dry cargo ships with deadweight of up to 5 thousand tons. The local households will be able to feel themselves as foreign-economic activity entities that supply grain to the world. Also, the company will harness the shore, it will protect the near shore area from washing out. A modern dredger “Watermaster Classic IV” (from Finland) acquired in November 2011 came useful in this occasion. The dredger will help to solve problems of silting up and inconsistencies of waterways deep of Ukraine and to ensure high-performance process, as well as to improve ecological situation around “NIBULON’s” enterprises. Despite the fact that the transshipment terminal construction has just been started, the local community has already experienced a positive impact of socially responsible company. The first steps of cooperation gave the opportunity to pump up the budget of Kozats’ke village. There are the first results, as of today overhaul of kindergarten “Kazka” is completed and furniture and equipment at a cost of nearly UAH 500 thousand is purchased. A repair of the local house of culture and sports hall is started, at about UAH 200 thousand are spent for that.

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Андрій Вадатурський


Андрій Вадатурський став генеральним директором «НІБУЛОНу» після понад 15 років роботи в компанії — в липні 2022 року.

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З 2014 до 2019 рік був народним депутатом України від одномандатного округу в Миколаївській області та членом Комітету з питань аграрної політики. У 2017 році створив і очолив велику міжпартійну групу, яка виступала за розвиток українських річок як транспортного засобу.  

Має ступінь магістра електротехніки Українського державного морського технічного університету та ступінь магістра економіки промисловості Лондонської школи економіки. У 2009 році за вагомий внесок у розвиток агропромислового комплексу України був нагороджений Президентом України, йому присвоєно звання «Заслужений працівник сільського господарства».

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