Press-release: “NIBULON” starts construction of a new grain elevator within the frames of investment project

On the 8th of April 2010, in “Artemivs’ka” branch (Artemivka village, Chutivskyy district, Poltava region) the construction of a new elevator complex on shipment of grains and oilseeds will be started.   Poltava region is a region with a long history and its own symbols: beautiful buildings, Sorochynskyy Fair and others. Outlines of “NIBULON’s” modern elevators will also become decoration and symbol of Poltava region.   The total area of the new branch will compile 7.9 hectares, grain storage capacity will be 75.6 thousand tons. Daily capacity of dryers will compile 4 thousand tons, while shipment capacity on railway transport will be 5 thousand tons. Construction will be completed by the 1st of July, 2010. 60 workers will ensure successful work of the facility.   As at previous facilities, that are being built by “NIBULON” within the frames ofinvestment project, equipment of Danish company «CIMBRIA UNIGRAIN A / S» which is an old “NIBULON’s” partner,  will be used on the construction of a new elevator. The quality of the equipment is already tested by long years of cooperation and complies with the best technical indicators: high performance (250 tons per hour) reliable drive, compact size, appropriate thickness of steel conveyors and chain pump, easy to use.    We will also use the equipment of the best domestic and foreign manufacturers such as «SCHMIDT-SEEGER AG» (Germany); «Mathews» (U.S.); «SIMATEK A / S» (Denmark); «RAKORAF» (Denmark); «PRECIA-MOLEN» (Belgium); “SYMAGa” (Spain), “Bulat” (Ukraine); “Lord” (Ukraine), “Kalynivskyy Machine Building Plant” (Ukraine).   Construction is an interesting and exciting activity, especially when you have a visible result of your own hard work. The numbers prove that construction of a complex will be large-scale and incredible. The facts speak for themselves!   Thus, the area of paving lanes will be about 800 square meters. Over 70 km of cable and 1800 meters of gas-supply pipes will be laid at the facility. Length of water pipes will reach about 1400 meters, length of sewerage net will be about 1800 meters. Almost 8 thousand cubic meters of concrete will be poured. The area of concrete cover will be about 14 thousand square meters. That equals 4 football fields! At a time, more than 1000 tons of metalware and 300 tons of valve will be welded!   According to the General Director of “NIBULON”, Hero of Ukraine O. Vadaturskyy, the style of the company is to build modern enterprises and due to the quality of their work to ensure an honorable place for Ukraine in the world grain market. Ukraine is able to grow up to 70 million tons of grain, “NIBULON” promotes the image of our country in the world as a country-provider of the first-rate grain during all the time of its existence.    Despite the global financial crisis, the company receives financial support from such respected international financial institutions as International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development on export development programs and energy saving projects, funds for the improvement of logistics in Ukraine are provided. The total credit amount is USD 100 million.   The company cooperates with big international banks, including domestic: Ukreximbank, Index Bank, foreign banks: BNP Paribas (Switzerland), Banque Cantonale Vaudoise (Switzerland), FORTIS BANK (the Netherlands), ING bank (Belgium).   “NIBULON” invests in Ukraine and copes with this cost loading, because people want to work. Ukraine needs such investment projects, agricultural sector needs such new elevator complexes. There is no financial crisis for “NIBULON”!                                                                            *** Investment project, initiated by “NIBULON”, brings enormous economic benefit for Ukraine!   This is the first project of system development of river transportation of agricultural products in the history of independent Ukraine, which is put into practice by the company purposefully and confidently. It includes two aspects – the construction of elevators and fleet. Aim of the project is: the recovery of navigation on Dnipro River – the main water way of Ukraine.   Implementation of the project is in a full swing. The construction of fleet is continued actively. Company’s fleet consists of 20 non-self-propelled vessels as of April 2010. Three tugs – 1 river tug and 2 coastal tugs are already purchased. Project documentation is developed and all issues on the construction of 6 new tugs out of 14 planned are decided at shipbuilding yard “Wadan Yards Okean” (Mykolayiv city).   The construction of elevators is on fast-forward. New high-technology transshipment terminal in Chygyryn district of Cherkasy region was constructed and put into operation in record time – only 2 months.   Two elevator complexes were constructed at the same time and are now successfully used in Globyne town and Romodan village of Poltava region. According to Oleksiy Vadaturskyy, almost 100 thousand tons of grain have been harvested after putting the complexes into operation in October last year, and including “Reshetylivs’kyy” elevator – more than 250 thousand tons of grain. And this is only the half of a marketing year!   “NIBULON” is a leader in the agricultural sector of Ukraine, Poltava is a leader of the agricultural production in Ukraine. For a good reason the leaders united today to show an example of investing in the agricultural sector of the country. According to Oleksiy Vadaturskyy investments in the agricultural sector are the engine of the state economy. During the implementation of investment project in Poltava region over 60 million USD will be invested. The expected economic benefit is more than 4 billion UAH for the agricultural sector of the Left Bank of Ukraine.   Poltava and Cherkasy regions are not the only areas on the map of “NIBULON’s” investment project. On the 26th of December in Kamyanka-Dniprovs’ka town (Zaporizhzhya region) there was a solemn ceremony of the beginning of construction of new transshipment terminal for grains and oilseeds for river transport. On the 12th of March 2010, in Gradyz’k town of Globyne district of Poltava region the construction of new elevator was started. Preparation for the beginning of construction of two more complexes in Poltava region is being continued.   Thus, by the 1st of July 2010, eight newly built elevators of “NIBULON” will operate, four of them are river terminals; planned total elevator capacity will compile 2 million tons, including 600 thousand tons, constructed within the frames of the investment project.   Harvesting of a new crop will mark the revival of Dnipro River as the main water way of Ukraine. Moreover, investments to the agricultural sector of Ukraine will be more beneficial.

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З 2014 до 2019 рік був народним депутатом України від одномандатного округу в Миколаївській області та членом Комітету з питань аграрної політики. У 2017 році створив і очолив велику міжпартійну групу, яка виступала за розвиток українських річок як транспортного засобу.  

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