Press Release: Kremenchuk gets a hope – within the frames of investment project “NIBULON” starts the construction of the transshipment terminal on shipment of grains and oilseeds on the river transport

For “NIBULON” and Ukraine as a whole, 2010-2011 – are the years of implementation of a patriotic investment project of the company on the revival of the Dnipro and the Southern Bug Rivers as waterways of Ukraine. This project is unique to our motherland, because it involves investments into the domestic agricultural sector, creating thousands of work places for our citizens; additional revenues to local budgets and the development of social infrastructure at the local level, reducing the load on the roads of Ukraine, preservation and improving of the environment of Ukraine. Implementing the project, “NIBULON” daily practically confirms new standards of the activity in the agricultural sector of the country – how to construct technologically challenging, innovative, ambitious and very important for Ukraine’s economy facilities quickly, qualitatively and safely. Overall investment project stipulates construction of seventeen such facilities, 10 of them are transshipment terminals. This will allow to reach 2 million tons of planned total elevator capacities, including 1,1 million tons constructed within  the investment project by the 1st of July, 2011. Within the frames of the project three elevator complexes and a transshipment terminal in Poltava region, a transshipment terminal in Cherkasy and Zaporizhzhya regions have been commissioned. Elevator complex in Maryanivka village of Poltava region will be soon put into operation. In September 2010 it is planned to start the construction of three transshipment terminals on the Southern Bug River in Mykolayiv region. Currently “NIBULON” starts the construction of  the transshipment terminal in Kremenchuk town, which will be the seventh (!) acting elevator complex of the company in Poltava region and overall it is the eighth facility constructed in the framework of the project. For Poltava “NIBULON” is a demonopolisation of grain market. This is the realization of the largest investment program at a cost of over USD 470 million and it is a systematic investment project, which includes the construction of vessels, elevators, fleet. It means more attractive prices to agrarians and the image of Ukraine in the world market. It is consistency in business, consistency in investments. Investment project can serve as an example for many other investors how to invest in Ukraine’s economy of the agricultural sector, how to love Ukraine in deed. Poltava region is the first region in Ukraine in terms of grain growing, “NIBULON” is a leader in the grain market. Leaders have to be together and work together to make Ukraine a breadbasket of the world as to supply of qualitative grain. After completion of the construction of a new transshipment terminal in Poltava region it will be a unique architectural phenomenon for the city – elegance and originality, as well as speed of construction of “NIBULON’s” facilities is well-known in all regions where the company operates. “The new terminal is a decoration of our region. This means additional work places. Our local authorities will do everything to avoid problems with execution of project documents in further implementation of the investment project in the region”- said the head of Poltava regional state administration O. Udovichenko during the opening of the elevator of “Gradyz’k” branch of “NIBULON”. Kremenchuk elevator will be another victory in the revival of navigation along the Dnipro River, the next step for Ukraine’s transition to innovative way of development that will enable the country to become in line with the economically developed countries. Today the revival of navigation along the waterways – the Dnipro, the Southern Bug, and the Danube rivers is the prerogative, because with its help environmental issues, traffic interchange will be resolved, etc. By the way, today “NIBULON” actually started water transportations over the Dnipro and the Southern Bug. Only since the beginning of the navigation season in 2010, 600 thousand tons of grains were transported; while in 2009 freight transportation amounted less then 800 thousand tons. “NIBULON” plans to provide freight transportation up to 3 million tons in 2010-2011, including freight transportation along the Southern Bug – 1 million tons. By the way, “NIBULON’s” tows have already made nine sailings to “Vitove” branch (Cherkasy region). Thus, 18 times (including return path) citizens of Kremenchuk could contemplate fleet of the company. Last time when citizens admired non-self-propelled vessels was on the 25th of September. So the acquaintance of Kremenchuk citizens with “NIBULON” has already begun! Soon citizens will be able to contemplate sea tows, which will sail to “Gradyz’k” branch, but after loading they return back. Though, dredging works are being completed in this branch, volume of the works exceeds 270 thousand cubic meters of soil! On the 9th – 10th of October, the first experimental vessel voyage to the berth will be executed, at the end of which and final execution of regulatory documents under current legislation, non-self-propelled vessel voyage to the berth of the branch will become habitual and constant event. Dredging works will give a great positive effect for Gradyz’k. Firstly, the company harnessed the shore, sluiced coastal strip – now a large coastal area is completely protected from washing out. Secondly, around the clock vessel voyage along the Dnipro River will become possible due to consistency of the work, particularly, and installation of signal buoys. This regards not only Gradyz’k, but all transshipment terminals of “NIBULON”. And thirdly, it is also a joy to local fishermen – because dredging works will increase the spawning areas, and it will increase the volume of fish catch. “Everything that “NIBULON” does is unique in itself. The main thing is that water will work for increasing of productivity of crops and increasing of grain prices for agrarians. This is called the capitalization of production, it is forever for Ukraine, for generations”- said Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine on agricultural issues Viktor Slauta. The transshipment terminal is the future sight of Kremenchuk, it will be located on an area of 5.5 hectares. 60 workers will ensure successful work of the branch. Storage capacity of agricultural products will be 75.6 thousand tons. Loading capacity on water and railway transport will compile 5 thousand tons respectively. The terminal as well as other complexes of the company will become a true sight of the city, the facility for excursions and visits, moreover it will hide inaesthetic “views” of the industrial zone. It is already known that during the construction of the facility more than 50 contractors will be involved, it is more than 1000 skilled workers. The main supplier of technological and other equipment will be an old reliable partner of “NIBULON” – Danish company «Cimbria Unigrain», which now cooperates with the company according to the program of financial support of the Government of Denmark. The Danish government has provided attractive and comfortable financing conditions for “NIBULON” as a reliable and proven partner. The complex will be more modern and technologically and aesthetically different from other company’s facilities due to some innovations. In particular, simultaneous shipment on water and railway transport will be possible at the elevator, also unloading of products from railway transport in a completely sealed production lines will be possible. It will be different in more flexible coursing of vehicles onsite the branch territory. A modern administrative and household building with a laboratory will be located in the grounds of the complex. Own mini-hotel will be also constructed. Design of the company, including landscaping design will become a business card. Traditionally “NIBULON” carries out a socially responsible policy in the regions. Kremenchuk is not an exception. The company already helps the community of the town, supporting infrastructure development financially even before the construction is started. UAH 4,7 million were allocated for these purposes by the company – the money is specifically obtained in the benefit of the community. Thus, the reconstruction of the central city stadium is completed at the expense of “NIBULON” (it is UAH 2,5 mln.), truck to repair the road surface in the town was bought (UAH 850 thousand were spent). *** In difficult times of world financial crisis “NIBULON” implements its patriotic project together with authority of the state and respected financial institutions, including the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. On the 20th of September, 2010 high-ranking official delegation of the EBRD paid a visit to Mykolayiv city, including the transshipment terminal for grains and oilseeds of “NIBULON”. Financiers familiarized themselves with the work of the transshipment terminal and discussed with Oleksiy Vadaturskyy further implementation of the investment program and prospects for further cooperation. Based on the results of the visit the Director of the European Commission Vassili Lelakis noted that he is deeply impressed by the pace and scale of the project. Thus, the EBRD is ready to further cooperation with “NIBULON” on the new projects. “We have long-term plans for cooperation. We have provided investment program on borrowing about USD 200 million. I believe that together we will successfully implement this investment project” – responded O.O. Vadaturskyy. After the visit to “NIBULON” financiers met with the Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov and informed him in detail about a precise realization of investment projects. Vassili Lelakis told about this during the final press conference after the visit to Ukraine. In unison to the words of Vassili Lelakis sounded the Minister of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine M. Prisyazhnyuk, he said during a visit to transshipment terminal of “NIBULON” on the 16th of September, 2010 “I believe that Mykolayiv region is fortunate that these companies make an opportunity to show positive dynamics of the agricultural sector. “NIBULON” today is the first national company, where foreigners should come to take for a model. Today “NIBULON” is a national company that will develop. An example of this is a logistics system that they create today”. In total, for the funding of the program three financial institutions are involved: the EBRD finances the construction of elevators and transshipment terminals, Dutch export credit agency “Atradius” guaranteed by the Netherlands Government has provided assurances to the allocation of funds for the construction of tugs, and as it was noted above – Export Credit Fund of Denmark finances elevator equipment manufactured by «Cimbria Unigrain A / S». Such confidence in the company is not surprising. Though investment project of “NIBULON” strikes with the conception of its plan – powerful elevator complexes that are being built in record short time, they represent a unique system of transportation of agricultural products on the water. The project includes 10 regions of Ukraine, it is of great cross-sectoral and public importance, is financially supported by foreign governments – thus deserves the status of “national” project. “NIBULON” once again confirms the status of the national company that works for the benefit and in the interests of the state.

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Андрій Вадатурський


Андрій Вадатурський став генеральним директором «НІБУЛОНу» після понад 15 років роботи в компанії — в липні 2022 року.

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З 2014 до 2019 рік був народним депутатом України від одномандатного округу в Миколаївській області та членом Комітету з питань аграрної політики. У 2017 році створив і очолив велику міжпартійну групу, яка виступала за розвиток українських річок як транспортного засобу.  

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