Press Release: a solemn opening of a new elevator of “Maryanivs’ka” branch (Maryanivka village, Grebinky district of Poltava region)

On the 8th of October the sixth elevator complex of “NIBULON” in Poltava region will start its work – “Maryanivs’ka” branch (Grebinky district), that was constructed within the frames of investment project on the revival of the Dnipro and the Pivdennyy Bug Rivers as a navigational water ways of Ukraine at a cost of USD 470 million. Ultra modern complex for reception, storage and shipment of grain and oil seeds have to become a new sight of Poltava region. This facility was constructed within 2 monthes! During such a short period of time high-tech complex was constructed on the area of 6.5 hectares, its grain storage capacity is 76,8 thousand tons. Daily capacity of dryers will be 4 thousand tons. Loading capacity on railway transport is 4 thousand tons. It is another victory of “NIBULON”. 15 thousand workers are involved in the implementation of the investment project of “NIBULON”. After the completion of implementation of the project 2000 people will get permanent work places. The effect of logistics reduction during the implementation of investment project will increase the profitability of agricultural enterprises by UAH 4 billion per year, will bring local agrarians, who are located far from ports, to international markets and will increase competitiveness of Ukrainian agricultural products not only in the world but also in domestic markets. The investment project of “NIBULON” is of great value, it is an example of a comprehensive program of system development of business, it has great cross-sectoral importance, because it has positive effect for many sectors of economy: metallurgy, shipbuilding, transportation and covers 10 regions of Ukraine. Currently, the company’s fleet consists of 24 non-self-propelled vessels and three tugs. Construction of new tugs at shipbuilding yard “Wadan Yards Okean” is in a full swing. Only since the beginning of the navigation season in 2010, 600 thousand tons of grain were transported, while in 2009 freight transportation were less than 800 thousand tons. After the completion of implementation of investment project “NIBULON” plans to provide freight transportation up to 3 million tons, including freight transportation along the Southern Bug – 1 million tons. Can you imagine what a huge profit it will bring to Ukrainian economy! As for the construction of elevators, it includes construction of seventeen elevators, 10 of them are river terminals. This will allow to reach 2 million tons of planned total elevator capacities, including 1,1 million tons constructed within the investment project by the 1st of July, 2011. Three elevator complexes and one transshipment terminal in Poltava region, Cherkasy and Zaporizhzhya regions are put into commission within the frames of the investment project. Today, these elevators are actively operating and are in great demand of farmers. “NIBULON” in difficult conditions of crisis within the frames of the patriotic project has constructed and put into commission 500 thousand tons of elevator capacities! For Poltava region the investment program of “NIBULON” has a significant meaning. Only here the company spent USD 800 million. Implementation of the project contributes to demonopolization of grain market and optimization of grain transportation logistics in Poltava region. Maryanivka village borders with Kyiv region, thus it means new opportunities and benefits of cooperation with “NIBULON” to farmers in Kyiv region. The company is grateful to understanding and promoting of local and central authorities. Today all of us are aware it is our common, nationwide business that will bring benefit to all Ukrainian people. “NIBULON” demonstrates in practice that government and business can work together. Honored guests visit our company note that “NIBULON” is the first national company, where foreigners should come to take an example. Today “NIBULON” is a developing national logistics company. An example of this is logistics system that is developed today. An evidence of a good image of “NIBULON” in the world is a trust of serious international financial institutions. Despite the global financial crisis, the company receives financial support from the World Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Export Credit Fund EKF (Denmark), Export credit agency “Atradius” (the Netherlands), the leading European banks, the State Export Import Bank of Ukraine and other banks. This approach demonstrates a systematic business financing. Authority of “NIBULON” does not admit of doubt in the international market. International experts of grain recipient countries position “NIBULON” as Ukrainian national company that represents Ukraine, and it is connected with the fact that “NIBULON” opened the world market outlets for Ukrainian products. Due to “NIBULON” market of corn supply to Egypt and other countries was opened, price for agricultural producers of Ukraine has increased almost four times, and corn has become one of the most profitable crops in Ukraine. On the 22nd of September, 2010 President of Ukraine Viktor Fedorovych Yanukovych at the Plenary Meeting of the UN General Assembly expressed the idea that “in the near future thanks to the strong potential of its agriculture, our country can be an important element of global efforts in fighting starvation in several regions of the world”. Head of State reaffirmed the will of the new political leadership of Ukraine in the Millennium Development Goals achievement and the commitment to broad international cooperation under UN auspices. But few people know that the only member of the UN program to supply milling wheat to the countries, where starvation prevails, is “NIBULON”. Today “NIBULON” within the frames of this program delivered almost 800 thousand tons of high quality milling wheat. It is possible only due to such elevators, as “Maryanivs’kyy”! Arrival of “NIBULON” into a new region is always a pleasant stress for the local community. It should be noted that during the construction of complex workers from 45 different contractors were involved, that is more than 1000 skilled workers from most of Ukrainian regions. The cost of the facility is over UAH 100 million. Thus, 30 891 square meters of concrete, asphalt roads and gravel are laid at the ultra-modern “Maryanivs’kyy” elevator, 2691 km of water and sewer systems are mounted, 2640 tons of metal structures are used. For the construction of the elevator in the Maryanivka village as well as at the other facilities of “NIBULON”, only modern materials and technologies were used: grain loading equipment by “CIMBRIA UNIGRAIN A/S” (Denmark); grain cleaning equipment – “SCHMIDT-SEEGER AG” (Germany); driers – “Mathews” (U.S.); filtration equipment of «SIMATEK A/S» (Denmark); samplers – “RAKORAF”(Germany); hopper scales with capacity of 300 tons per hour «PRECIA-MOLEN» (Belgium); truck scales  – “Bulat” company (Ukraine); weighbridge – “Pulsar 92” (Ukraine); silos – “SYMAGа” (Spain), “Lord” (Ukraine); truck tipper – “Elektromel’mash” (Russia). Management of the company strives to use the best cutting-edge technology to implement the ambitious project. Processing equipment was supplied with the financial support of the Export-Credit Fund of Denmark. “NIBULON” supports the demands of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine and the State inspection on control of agricultural products’ quality and market monitoring on the increasing of responsibilities of grain stores and companies for the accuracy of determining the grain quality, batch forming and law enforcement on the grain market. To ensure perfectly quality of products that are shipped in accordance with contractual obligations, the company has equipped laboratory of a new elevator with all necessary latest in the world equipment. Among them: grain analyzers Infratec-1241 (“FOSS Analytical AB”, Sweden), samplers Rakoraf (“PFEUFFER GmbH”, Germany), thermal drying cabinet (“Binder”, Germany), infrared analyzer INSTALAB-600, grain moisture indicator (“KETT”, Japan), dividers of groove type (“Rationel”, Denmark). Today “NIBULON” is probably the only company where no violations in providing of qualitative grain storage were found, there were not found facts of wrong definition of grain quality during receiving from farms and to the shipping for export etc. “NIBULON” will open “window to Europe” for Maryanivka village! Until recently, people went mostly on foot along the path that leads from the village to the railway station of Maryanivka village, even railway employees planned to close the crossroad. But now, since such an important strategic facility as a new complex for receipt, storage and shipment of grains and oilseeds of “NIBULON” has appeared on the economic map of Grebinkivs’kyy district, things are changing for the better. Railroad with a length of 966 m, joined the “Maryanivs’ka” branch to South -Western railway, which is situated in the 3rd transport corridor linking Europe with Asia. “NIBULON” improves. This facility, unlike others, has a spacious administrative laboratory building. New weighbridge was installed, it has not been installed at the previously constructed facilities. Elevators of “NIBULON” are a real decoration of the regions where they are constructed. Settlements are getting alive and get another, more modern look. When the elevator is almost constructed, there is bright lighting, asphalt covering, people from nearby towns come to have a look at the fantastic facility that looks particularly impressive in the evening. After opening of facility Ukrainian and foreign visitors come there with excursions. According to a good tradition “NIBULON” creates not only high-tech elevator complexes, but also helps the population in bringing to right of the town or village area where the facility is constructed. Grebinkivs’kyy district also had pleasant and useful for people surprises. The local community has already experienced significant benefits and advantages of cooperation with such a serious agricultural company as “NIBULON”. Funds for land plot under the elevator complex of “NIBULON” were immediately paid to the local budget amounting more than UAH 2,4 million. Many good deeds for local residents were made at the expense of these funds. 1800 m of a new water pipeline was laid and nearly 2 km of an old water pipeline was replaced, pump station was repaired, due to that 200 villagers finally have access to drinking water. Thus, thanks to “NIBULON” centralized provision of Maryanivka residents with water will absolutely improve. All preparation works are already done, in 2 weeks gas supply and hot water will be conducted to the obstetric feldsher’s station. For the anniversary of Grebinky, 200 years, Maryanivka village will get its own park. Village house of culture and public kindergarten will also be renovated. Today “NIBULON” has made another gift for the village, it was not included in direct obligations of the company, – 1,5 km of the road were renovated and illuminated. Another gift – is a computer class for rural school. The local community is very pleased that in their village such complex will work. First of all, it will greatly improve the situation of employment, because 60 workers will work at the new elevator. “NIBULON” has plans to construct new facilities in Poltava region. On the 28th of September construction of a new transshipment terminal on the water transport in Kremenchuk town was started. In October 2010 it is planned to begin construction of three river transshipment terminals on the Southern Bug River in the Mykolayiv region. Today it is a fact, but a year ago someone thought it was a fiction: elevators and transshipment terminals are being constructed one after another; vessels sail along the Dnipro River! Our company is confident: not words but deeds can change the lives of ordinary Ukrainian for the better.  

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Андрій Вадатурський


Андрій Вадатурський став генеральним директором «НІБУЛОНу» після понад 15 років роботи в компанії — в липні 2022 року.

Він прийняв цю посаду після трагічної загибелі свого батька та засновника «НІБУЛОНу» Олексія Вадатурського разом із матір’ю Раїсою Вадатурською під час російського ракетного удару по їхньому дому в Миколаєві.

З 2014 до 2019 рік був народним депутатом України від одномандатного округу в Миколаївській області та членом Комітету з питань аграрної політики. У 2017 році створив і очолив велику міжпартійну групу, яка виступала за розвиток українських річок як транспортного засобу.  

Має ступінь магістра електротехніки Українського державного морського технічного університету та ступінь магістра економіки промисловості Лондонської школи економіки. У 2009 році за вагомий внесок у розвиток агропромислового комплексу України був нагороджений Президентом України, йому присвоєно звання «Заслужений працівник сільського господарства».

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