Press Release: a solemn opening of a new elevator of “Artemivs’ka” branch (Artemivka village, Chutоvo district, Poltava region)

On the 29th of June, 2010 there will be a solemn opening of “Artemivs’ka” branch (Artemivka village, Chutоvo district, Poltava region) – a new elevator complex on the shipment of grains and oilseeds. Only on the 25th of June we celebrated the opening of a new transshipment terminal of “NIBULON” in Gradyz’k town (Globyne district, Poltava region). And today the whole Poltava region celebrates a new victory – a new facility of the company is put into operation – elevator of “Artemivs’ka” branch (Artemivka village, Chutоvo district, Poltava region). Despite the fact that the construction of “Artemivs’ka” branch was started a month later, the storage capacity and the total area of the facility is much larger than that of Gradyz’k terminal, facilities were completed almost simultaneously. This is another victory of “NIBULON’s” team. Our company has proved to everybody that we construct quickly and efficiently. But we should not forget that “NIBULON” is known for its high achievements in production and export of agricultural products. Today “NIBULON’s” team is pleased to announce: almost 5 million tons of agricultural products were exported in 2009/2010 marketing year – it compiles up to 24% of national exports. This is a convincing record and an evidence of high status of the company on the international market. An evidence of a good image of “NIBULON” in the world is a trust of serious international financial institutions. Recently, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has allocated the largest credit of USD 50 million to “NIBULON”. The project of “NIBULON” has national importance and is supported by the governments of Denmark and the Netherlands, the World Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, leading western financial institutions, the State Export Import Bank of Ukraine and other banks. Do many Ukrainian farmers receive such a good support from financial institutions? Investment project of “NIBULON” goes marching along Ukraine! The company is grateful to the understanding and promoting of local and central government. Today everybody is aware that it is our common, national business and all Ukrainian people will benefit. “NIBULON” demonstrates in practice that government and business can collaborate. Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine Viktor Slauta on agricultural issues supported the investment program of “NIBULON” at the opening of Gradyz’k branch and promised that “Government will always give a real hand to such a business and such investments”. “NIBULON” revives Ukrainian fleet! For many skeptics, we will announce only a few figures. According to current data, on the whole there were 800 thousand tons of freight transfer in 2009. Only till July of this year volumes of freight transfer by “NIBULON” have exceed 400 thousand tons. It is expected that during the full navigation period the figure will reach up to 3 million tons next year. Can you imagine what a huge profit it will bring to Ukrainian economy! “NIBULON” is a true patriot of Ukraine. The company provides thousands of builders with work, invests significant funds into agricultural sector, creates a serious impetus for the development of other industries – metallurgy, transport, shipbuilding. “NIBULON” shows how to invest in Ukrainian economy in the conditions of crisis. “NIBULON” has never kept out of farmers’ problems. Today it is the only exporting company, which openly announces prices for agricultural products on its website. Thus demonstrates openness and transparency of business conducing, the desire to bring each agricultural producer closer to world market outlets. “NIBULON” optimizes expenditures in order to increase confidence to customers around the world: the company controls the entire chain of agricultural products supply from producer to the consumer worldwide.  Today “NIBULON” shows how serious business should help the community. During the construction period “NIBULON” shares problems of the region and establishes friendly and partnership relations with local population very quickly. This time “NIBULON” also will present in all sincerity computers to eight local schools of Artemivka, UAH 100 000 will be given for the reconstruction of central regional hospitals, UAH 100 000 will be provided for the erection of Rizdvobogorodychna cathedral, UAH 20 000 for the support of local football team, the roads in Artemivka and Chernyakivka villages has been already restored. It does not include those funds already paid by “NIBULON” even before the construction of the elevator was started – it compiles UAH 1,5 million (for land plot, development of social infrastructure, etc.). Not every business today in Ukraine can be proud of such a humane attitude to social issues. Arrival of “NIBULON” in a new region it is always a pleasant stress to the local community. At first the company’s plans to build a powerful enterprise during the crisis shock people, because most of the facilities are constructed in towns and villages, where there is unemployment and economic stagnation. When the construction starts, people have distrust that such a great terminal can be constructed only within 2-3 months, because usually in our country construction lasts for years. The village comes alive, because it should give a home to thousand of builders. During the first month the process of construction excites admiration: powerful trucks, excavators, cranes – the work is in full swing, everyday facility is growing, turning into a serious infrastructure. When the elevator is almost constructed, bright lighting, asphalt appears, people from the nearby towns come to look at the fantastic facility that looks particularly impressive in the evening. After completion “NIBULON’s” elevator becomes a real cultural center for local communities – young people are gathering here, married couples walk nearby, newlyweds are photographed on its territory. “NIBULON” is grateful to all construction companies that construct new great facilities in short terms. Traditionally, the best of the best will be awarded with cash prizes. Ukrainian builders are satisfied with cooperation with “NIBULON”, because it is a tremendous experience according to work execution requirements – construction at a fast pace and high work quality. From the first facilities today there are only real professionals at construction sites of “NIBULON”. Builders tell us that during the construction of two facilities with “NIBULON”, you become a real expert in the field and ready to work in any conditions. No matter how difficult it is, contract with our company is a real godsend for professionals. If you can work with such a customer, then you can cope with the most difficult order. Everything is possible. The bar is set high. “NIBULON” once again makes the biggest skeptics believe in the fact that, for a professional team everything is possible. During last several weeks “NIBULON” is running out of time because of the number of information events happening nationwide. Thus “NIBULON” proves that we, Ukrainians, have a great potential and thirst for accomplishments! In the near future you can expect a new “information bomb” from “NIBULON”– that is launching of eight non-self-propelled vessels and immediate start of the construction of a range of 24 tugs,  that will provide with work shipbuilding yard of Mykolayiv for 2 years. We will see grand caravan of 800 m long with our own eyes. Even in Soviet days you could not have seen such a great amount of vessels at shipbuilding yards of Ukraine. In a view of the novelty of the event, the President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych is invited to the Council of Regions in Zaporizhzhya for the solemn launching of vessels on the 22nd of July, 2010. One victory after another! But the way of “NIBULON”, unfortunately, is not covered with flowers. As effectively we work, as many obstacles appear on the company’s way. But there is no defeat for “NIBULON”, fight and win – this is our usual style. The company proves in practice that there are ways out of crisis for Ukraine and the resources for this you need to search in our own wealth: affluent rivers, fertile soil, minerals, hardworking and intelligent people. Investment project of “NIBULON” on the revival of navigation along rivers of Ukraine  at a cost of USD 470 million, includes the construction of 57 non-self-propelled and self- propelled vessels, 14 sea and river tugs in particular, 17 elevators, 10 of them are transshipment terminals along the Dnipro River, the Southern Bug and other rivers.  24 non-self-propelled vessels and three tugs, three transshipment terminals (Cherkasy and Zaporizhzhya regions) and two elevator complexes (Poltava region) are constructed and successfully put into operation. During the project implementation total elevator capacity will compile 2 million tons by the 1st of July 2011. Implementation of the project will “employ” the main rivers of Ukraine and will provide increasing of river freight volume along the Dnipro River and the Southern Bug. 54030, Mykolayiv city, Falyeyevs’ka Street,9-B, tel.: (0512) 37-23-44, 58-04-04, fax: 58-04-05, 50-01-91 e-mail:

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Андрій Вадатурський


Андрій Вадатурський став генеральним директором «НІБУЛОНу» після понад 15 років роботи в компанії — в липні 2022 року.

Він прийняв цю посаду після трагічної загибелі свого батька та засновника «НІБУЛОНу» Олексія Вадатурського разом із матір’ю Раїсою Вадатурською під час російського ракетного удару по їхньому дому в Миколаєві.

З 2014 до 2019 рік був народним депутатом України від одномандатного округу в Миколаївській області та членом Комітету з питань аграрної політики. У 2017 році створив і очолив велику міжпартійну групу, яка виступала за розвиток українських річок як транспортного засобу.  

Має ступінь магістра електротехніки Українського державного морського технічного університету та ступінь магістра економіки промисловості Лондонської школи економіки. У 2009 році за вагомий внесок у розвиток агропромислового комплексу України був нагороджений Президентом України, йому присвоєно звання «Заслужений працівник сільського господарства».

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