Once again about coronavirus: how to survive and to feel optimistic about the future (VIDEO)

Some people have been working during this period, as they are engaged in the critical infrastructure sectors, and some on the contrary have lost their jobs. The coronavirus epidemic has ruined people’s plans.I decided to spend a month in a nonstandard self-isolation. I was in the Mykolaiv Regional Infectious Hospital, solving urgent issues and devoting my time to the important problem – the spread of COVID-19. Many people from the region are aware of the hospital’s state. Having stayed in the hospital one day, they confirm that the hospital has talented, experienced, devoted doctors, but the hopelessly outdated material and technical basis prevents doctors from fighting COVID-19 successfully.   My story will shock and surprise even those who think they know everything about the state of medical care in Ukraine. You will change your mind like I did.What did I see at the beginning of the quarantine?According to experience in many countries, the coronavirus disease causes a respiratory distress syndrome. The human body does not get enough oxygen to support its vital activities. Oxygen is often the last hope to save COVID-19 patients and its absence leads to death. At that time, the hospital had only six oxygen access points. Six oxygen access points can save six people and others are doomed to death. Instead of it, there was a military tent to sort the patients. How must the doctors choose whose life to save? The disinfection chambers were inoperative. Washing machines dating from the 1960's were installed in the hospital, and the personnel had to wash medical working clothes by hand. People carried all these things over a 200-m distance, day and night, under any weather conditions. The laundry was dried in the yard.  The catering unit was equipped with two firewood stoves made in 1950. Dozens of years ago they were reequipped in order to run on gas. The hospital staff brought plates and dishes from home. The hospital’s main building was heated by boilers produced in 2006. The heating system was completely blocked; the temperature control was absent. Anyone could enter freely the hospital’s territory from three sides. People from neighboring houses dropped their garbage on the hospital’s territory. Local drug addicts and homeless dogs found shelter there.This large site was dark and covered with overgrown bushes. In order to carry dirty laundry from one building to another, the personnel walked through this unsafe place. The hospital’s staff gathered together to protect themselves from dogs or drug addicts. The roofs destroyed by fallen poplars became another danger.Why is the hospital in this poor state? The fact is that the hospital is financed by a residual principle. It has received only UAH 400 thousand for the past 4 years. During the coronavirus pandemic, this hospital was appointed as the main one to struggle against the spread of COVID-19. The medical staff started quitting, realizing the problems they might face. Svitlana Fedorova, the hospital’s chief doctor, realized completely the complexity of the situation and started to struggle with the real problems straight away, having applied to all the authorities.  I completely understand and support her. Unfortunately, our authorities who should efficiently solve the issues and finance the hospital refuse to understand and listen to her. Certainly, I could have written about it a month ago, but she would have faced inspections, orders, etc.That is why I decided to completely improve the state of the hospital in the shortest possible time. It has become my new challenge and is a matter of honour. In order to implement this idea, I devoted a month of my life to assisting this hospital. I can now say that Mykolaiv Regional Infectious Hospital is one of the best medical institutions in our region. Within a month, we have provided the hospital with everything required to treat a patient efficiently.  It is a modern medical center nowadays. It is even possible to hold demonstrative meetings there. Frankly speaking, there are still problems which cannot be technically solved because of the COVID-19 patients there. How did we manage to achieve such a result in such a short time? Up to 200 NIBULON’s specialists and contactors worked there daily in order to determine, analyze, and to solve each problem.Firstly, we arranged an additional space to separate clean and contaminated areas. Separating these areas is an important condition to save human lives and to avoid the spread of COVID-19 outside the hospital. Due to this and thanks to the professionalism and responsibility of the medical staff, none of the doctors has been infected, and the dangerous infection has not spread outside the hospital. I think that other regional medical institutions should follow this experience.We managed to solve another urgent issue – to provide the wards with oxygen. Taking into consideration the doctors’ requests, we designed, examined, received permissions, purchased, and delivered the imported equipment. Unfortunately, Ukraine does not produce this equipment. We found a contractor, laid more than 500 m of oxygen lines, and installed 81 additional oxygen supply points in the wards. We tested and put this unit into operation. According to some officials and experts, it takes at least 5 months to perform these works. We made the impossible possible, having performed these works within three weeks! We conducted everything efficiently and quickly. Other Ukrainian hospitals ask me to do the same for them. Consequently, the hospital is now equipped with 87 oxygen supply points. 87 patients can be provided with oxygen. We managed to do it. We purchased, installed, and adjusted 9 modern artificial lung ventilation devices. We will soon provide the hospital with nine more devices. NIBULON will provide this hospital with 18 modern artificial lung ventilation devices. All the modern treatment methods will be technically available there. During this short period of time we implemented modern technologies in disinfection, washing, drying, ironing, and transportation of dirty laundry, having dismantled the old equipment. It was complicated to search for a modern disinfection chamber, but VKF Medtechnika Ltd, NIBULON’s partner, have produced and delivered this equipment within 9 days. It was also difficult to replace all the outdated equipment to wash, dry, and iron the laundry. We solved this problem, having installed modern imported industrial machinery. We supplied the hospital with 100 sets of new bed linens to replace the hospital’s terrible ones. The patients and doctors deserve to eat properly. We replaced completely all the catering equipment by the new imported one. We purchased 300 sets of plates and dishes. Three sets are required per patient to ensure correct food preparation and disinfection techniques. We thank Agrofusion's President, Sergiy Sypko, for conducting general construction and repair works in the catering unit. He immediately responded to my personal request.We provided water coolers, microwave ovens, thermoses, and other important things to the wards so that the patients may not wait for warm food from their relatives. Now everything depends on our authorities and their ability to allocate money for meet and other products. I was told that the hospital had not received money to purchase meat for a long time. We cleaned the territory from the ovegrown bushes. We renovated the illumination on the entire site, installed a fence, repaired road payments, and laid additional roads inside the hospital’s territory.   We installed new ramps in order to transport and not to carry patients. We replaced all the boilers and cleaned the heating system in compliance with a special technology. In addition, we conducted an energy audit. The hospital now can consume gas four times more efficiently, preserving the heat in the hospital. We implemented a modern communication system by using radio sets, thereby increasing efficiency in making decisions. Every second is important when saving lives. The doctors and patients may stay in different wards, buildings, or areas. The new communication system was easily mastered by the staff within two days. It seemed as if they had been using it for their entire lives.  I am sure that nobody would have conducted this large amount of work as efficiently as NIBULON. NIBULON has skillful experts and well-coordinated departments. We can perform any works to produce metalware, to lay networks, to install electric supply, etc. The regional infectious hospital became a working place for our employees and partners. I thank people for supporting our initiative. I have already mentioned these people in one of my previous posts: https://www.facebook.com/oleksiyvadaturskyy/posts/2277066749261757. I thank them for their responsibility and courage. Unfortunately, some people refused to perform these works even for money. In addition to Mykolaiv hospital, we helped other hospitals in the Ukrainian regions where NIBULON’s production branches operate. NIBULON has 7,000 employees, and we take care of everyone, providing protective medical overall, glasses, masks, test systems. We quickly gave the hospitals everything they needed. We did not promote ourselves. We did not have time for this. Our aim was to provide as much assistance as possible for a short period of time. We managed to do it. I initiated this assistance. I did not receive any orders from the officials concerning the choice of medical institution and the scope of works. The company will not receive certain privileges or benefits. I am not interested in future elections either, though I received propositions from certain politicians and officials. Some politicians use this situation to win future elections, and it is sad. I categorically refused to participate in any charity funds, headquarters, etc. There are phantom charity funds, and ordinary entrepreneurs invest much money. If I had received this amount of money as described by certain charity funds in mass media, I would have equipped and reequipped tens of hospitals in Ukraine. I am sure there are transparent and honest charity funds, but it seems that most organizations just receive and launder money. They announce the purchase and delivery of equipment, but, in fact, the hospital remains at the same level as it had before the epidemic. Thus, I do not believe in the efficient cooperation with these charity funds and most volunteers. I made efforts and allocated financial resources to complexly assist hospitals. This is my principle. It seems self-isolation can be quite productive. I devoted this month to the hospital so that people can be efficiently treated. I shared my optimism and hope for a happy ending of the epidemic with everybody. I did all these things during my self-isolation, having put my heart in this hospital and received much more. I am glad that the city and the region have a modern medical town in such a short period of time. I have new ideas to improve a health protection system in our region, in particular to timely diagnose and treat diseases. I have already mentioned that we solved this problem in a non-standard way, having created a modern laboratory to carry out analyses for the presence/absence of coronavirus by using the PCR method on the basis of Mykolaiv Regional Laboratory Center of the Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine. It is able to conduct up to 400 analyses per day. In fact, the laboratory conducts no more than 150 analyses. It is not enough for our region. I am going to tell how to solve this problem in my next post.We propose you the amazing story of the hospital transformation within 30 days. Since the very beginning we did not plan to photograph or to make a film, but taking into consideration all possible manipulations and accusations, we decided to demonstrate the hospital’s state before and after NIBULON renovated it. Let these 29 minutes  not seem too long for you. These minutes will show the enormous work performed by NIBULON within a month – every day, every hour. Watching this film, it brings tears to my eyes. We have become a single whole during this month. I am happy that we still have  interesting work ahead of us. I wish you good health.Pleasant viewing, take care, and do not give up! 

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Андрій Вадатурський


Андрій Вадатурський став генеральним директором «НІБУЛОНу» після понад 15 років роботи в компанії — в липні 2022 року.

Він прийняв цю посаду після трагічної загибелі свого батька та засновника «НІБУЛОНу» Олексія Вадатурського разом із матір’ю Раїсою Вадатурською під час російського ракетного удару по їхньому дому в Миколаєві.

З 2014 до 2019 рік був народним депутатом України від одномандатного округу в Миколаївській області та членом Комітету з питань аграрної політики. У 2017 році створив і очолив велику міжпартійну групу, яка виступала за розвиток українських річок як транспортного засобу.  

Має ступінь магістра електротехніки Українського державного морського технічного університету та ступінь магістра економіки промисловості Лондонської школи економіки. У 2009 році за вагомий внесок у розвиток агропромислового комплексу України був нагороджений Президентом України, йому присвоєно звання «Заслужений працівник сільського господарства».

Одружений, має трьох дітей.

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