On the eve of Independence Day “NIBULON” starts the investment program in Kherson region

On the 22nd of August, a presentation of the investment project of “NIBULON”, headed by the governor of the Kherson region Mykola Kostyak was held in Kozats’ke village Beryslav district of Kherson region.
Currently, the company intends to build two new transshipment terminals in the Kherson region, in Novovorontsovka village Novovorontsov district and Kozats’ke village Beryslav district.
The regional government of Kherson region today is particularly interested in the investment program for development of logistics along the Dnipro River and extending capacities for grain storage: “I think it is not a coincidence that “NIBULON” known for its work not only in Ukraine but throughout the world will begin construction of two facilities in the Kherson region,” Mykola Kostyak says. “Today, our region is a leader in producing high quality wheat and grain crops. This year Kherson region can be proud of a high yield and gross yield of grain at 2.5 million tons. The region plans to exceed this result next year because there were times when farmers of the Kherson region showed result of more than 3 million tons!”
Therefore, Mykola Kostyak called to regard with favour to “NIBULON” whose investment project comes today to Kherson region. After all it is infrastructure development, allocationto the budgets of all levels and new work places and decent salaries. Both the district and entire region and Ukraine as a whole will benefit of the project.
Mykola Kostyak said in his speech, “Today we are making a big step to revive  Kherson region! Fertile Kherson land was waiting for such investor as “NIBULON” for years, and finally it has come! Today is a starting point, from which Beryslav district and Kozats’ke village will develop in a different pace than it was before. Today the company that not only talks but acts enters our region”.
Giving the floor to Director General of “NIBULON” Oleksiy Vadaturskyy, Governor of  Kherson region reminded the audience: Vadaturskyy is not just the head of the company with a worldwide name, he is a Hero of Ukraine. “I want to admit that such a high title is given for a good reason. This title should be won by titanic work”, Governor said.
In turn, Director General of “NIBULON”, Hero of Ukraine Oleksiy Vadaturskyy thanked for the support of regional administration and for the trust of local community.
“Thanks to the fact that you, Mykola Kostyak, and your team head Kherson State Administration now, we are able to implement our investment program in Kherson region.”
In addition, Oleksiy Vadaturskyy shared information on the project of a new transshipment terminal in Kozats’ke village with those present:
“It will be a unique facility with berth with a length of up to 300 meters. A base of our fleet will be located here, it is an enterprise from which centralization of all our water transportation along the Dnipro River will take course. Export activities of the district will be started from here and local households will feel themselves like entities engaged in foreign economic activities, supplying grain to Egypt, Jordan, Bangladesh and other countries. Vessels with deadweight up to 7 thousand tons will sail here. Our company plans to construct 10 of such enterprises along the Dnipro River, with the total capacity of up to 600-700 thousand tons and to transport to 2 million tons of grain along the Dnipro River in one shipping season. This means that 75 thousand trucks will be removed from the roads!”
According to Director General of “NIBULON”, an environmental component of the project is very important for the company, “We take full responsibility for the construction of elevators on the Dnipro River. Thus the river is not only our transportation water way, but drinking source for millions of Ukrainian people also. Therefore, we ensure that not even a gram of dust will be dropped to the Dnipro River, because modern systems of water and air clearanceare installed at our facilities. We are sluicing a territory for public beaches near the already built transshipment terminals. Every child can safely relax and swim in the river right next to our enterprise!”
Oleksiy Vadaturskyy noted that “NIBULON” took the initiative to purchase land for the construction of the transshipment terminal in Kozats’ke village, which means that since the early days of the company’s arrival, the budgets will get new funds and will not have to wait the completion of construction. In addition, Oleksiy Vadaturskyy named the construction of bypass roads as one of the pressing issues, and promised that the company will not stand aside the community’s problems, helping local education and health facilities, developing the infrastructure of the village.
Head of Kozats’ke villageAndriy Chyrko, who was present at the event, thanked Oleksiy Vadaturskyy that “NIBULON” started its investment program in the Kherson region with his village: “The construction of the terminal will give a great impetus to the development of our population centre, because almost all enterprises, which existed here in 1991, went into liquidationduring 20 years. Thus, this is the first investment project for the long time, which will inspire our village with new life!”
On this day, each of those present were able to ask question to Oleksiy Vadaturskyy, local residents, media, construction contractors of the Kherson region today look at new and familiar, expected investor with faith and hope!
Oleksiy Vadaturskyy promised that soon a core group of the village headed by Andriy Chyrko would be able to personally visit the company’s already built enterprises and make sure with their own eyes that “NIBULON” keeps its word!
In the end of the meeting the head of Kherson Regional State Administration Mykola Kostyak and Director General of “NIBULON” Oleksiy Vadaturskyy accompanied by the applause of those present signed a memorandum of cooperation as a guarantee of successful interactionof the company and regional authorities.
“Remember, this company does not only plan, it embodies its plans in life, despite all the difficulties. When you see how your district develops, you’ll assure yourself of this!”, Kostyak summed.
Thus, on the eve of 20th anniversary of independence, “NIBULON” starts the largest investment project in Beryslav district.
“This is only the beginning of our cooperation, we have a lot of plans!”, Mykola Kostyak said.

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Андрій Вадатурський став генеральним директором «НІБУЛОНу» після понад 15 років роботи в компанії — в липні 2022 року.

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З 2014 до 2019 рік був народним депутатом України від одномандатного округу в Миколаївській області та членом Комітету з питань аграрної політики. У 2017 році створив і очолив велику міжпартійну групу, яка виступала за розвиток українських річок як транспортного засобу.  

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