Oleksiy Vadaturskyy encourages Ukrainians to be socially responsible and to pay attention at the problems of children’s medicine!

February 14, infancy department of Mykolaiv city children`s hospital № 2 was presented under the auspices of Mykolayiv mayor Volodymyr Chayka. The department was renovated and equipped with modern medical apparatus at the expense of “NIBULON” totaling UAH 445 thousand.
Volodymyr Chayka thanked the General Director of “NIBULON”, Hero of Ukraine Oleksiy Vadaturskyy for his unindifferent attitude and willingness to respond to the initiative of local authorities to assist educational institutions, medicine etc. The mayor said that, in turn, he always supports the team of “NIBULON” for their honesty and professional approach to everything, including charity:
“In the places, where “NIBULON” works, no one is left without social programs and assistance to education, culture, health care. The step, which the team with the General Director has made now, is an example to follow. I am very grateful to Oleksiy Vadaturskyy because he in spite of everything does not step back from his noble goals.”
Local authorities and “NIBULON” started this common cause on New Year’s Eve, when a benefit evening was held at the initiative of Volodymyr Chayka. It was aimed at raising money for the purchase of medical equipment – analyzer of blood gases for Mykolayiv city children`s hospital № 2. Unfortunately, the funds raised were not enough to purchase the necessary equipment:
“When we found out how much money the community and managers of the city raised, I really was ashamed of our wealthy citizens who could not provide worthy assistance to city children`s hospital. I unhesitatingly responded to the request of Volodymyr Chayka and made a charitable contribution of UAH 20 thousand to purchase medical equipment for saving lives of children. When the necessary equipment had been purchased, I and my son, deputy director Andriy Vadaturskyy and other specialists of the company decided to visit the hospital to learn about its needs personally. After seeing the department premises, we decided that the funds granted will not be enough to significantly improve the situation in the hospital,” Oleksiy Vadaturskyy said.
Infancy department impressed managers of “NIBULON” the most, they looked at loose furniture, armor creaking beds, old and tattered linoleum covering with horror. It is impossible to provide ideal sanitary conditions in hospitals under such conditions. There is even no place for parents of young patients to leave their coats and shoes! That is why they have to give them back home and it seems that they are imprisoned!
Thus, “NIBULON” on its own initiative offered to make repair and to purchase additional new modern equipment for infancy department.
The chief doctor, Oleksandr Plitkin says with gratitude, “After familiarizing himself with the list of equipment scheduled to purchase according to the budget of the hospitals, Oleksiy Vadaturskyy fulfilled 99 per cent our 2012 budget plan without hesitations. This is a huge help! “NIBULON” has bought modern analyzers for us. This assistance greatly reduces the load on the laboratory assistants and minimizes the human factor. In addition there are a lot of patients with bronchopulmonary pathology in our hospital. Up to 70 people use each inhaler a day, if it is multiplied by 365 days, it is a huge volume, heavy loads. Oleksiy Vadaturskyy has bought eight inhalers for us. It will reduce equipment wear and will provide the opportunity to help more patients. New surgical aspirators will also help in clearing of respiratory channels of young patients with bronchopulmonary pathology. Oleksiy Vadaturskyy has purchased physiotherapy equipment. Treatment with electromagnetic fields can help to patients of ophthalmology, neurology, pulmonology, etc.”
The head of nursing department Olena Satanovs’ka noted, “The state of the department before “NIBULON’s” arrival and the state that we have now, due to Oleksiy Vadaturskyy, can not be compared! Maintenance has not been done here for many years, there were armor beds in patient’s rooms and torn linoleum in the hall. Everything was in terrible condition. Everything you see now has been made just for 2 weeks.”
The hospital helps 1500 young patients during the year. But the birth rate in our country is increasing and a number of patients is growing. “Now we can provide qualitative care to more children,” Olena Satanovs’ka added.
Parents express their delight with the renewed department and now they leave the hospital with more gratitude. Thus, Galyna from Mykolayiv with her daughter Yana are very pleased with new repair, because now there are decent conditions for children and their mothers in the hospital.
Oleksiy Vadaturskyy said that today`s event is only the first stage of “NIBULON’s” assistance to Mykolayiv city children`s hospital № 2, “When we visited the hospital and saw in what conditions the youngest patients are treated, we decided not to stop helping. The hospital will be equipped with comfortable dressing rooms, where parents can leave their coats, change their clothes, refrigerators are bought, there parents can store products, electric hot plates are set, with their help food for children can be prepared, etc. Thus, the total amount of assistance provided will reach up to UAH 700 thousand!
If our company undertakes a task, then it will be successfully completed. UAH 700 000 is not the limit! We will provide assistance annually and systematically, as well as we help our sponsored schools № 57, 51, 24 and boarding school № 6 and other educational and medical institutions.”
“NIBULON” always comes to the aid of the community. We are a socially responsible company and the true patriots of Ukraine and Mykolayiv city, which allocates more than UAH 15 million per year to support health protection, education, culture in those regions, where we work. Today`s event is a stunning example.”
Oleksiy Vadaturskyy said, “I do not want such actions to be perceived as PR, being skeptical about our “NIBULON’s” standard. Today you all have seen our “NIBULON’s” standard in action: if we help, we always make it in a high quality manner, seriously, thoroughly, honestly. This assistance will remain noticeable pace in the souls of people to whom it was provided. We do not fritter away our energy, we do not pay money to the funds, but we provide serious targeted assistance. It is my duty as a citizen and a patriot of Mykolayiv and Ukraine.”
“During our first visit to the hospital, I was very pleased to learn that there is another man in the city, namely Eduard Pogosov, who found money and provided charitable assistance to repair and purchase furniture for the infectious department of the hospital. But he is not the only person in the city. There are many wealthy deputies of different levels, a lot of managers of private and public companies with high incomes and wealthy citizens, who can afford to allocate a particular amount of money to assist medical or educational institutions of the city. Let each of us make a strong contribution to improve our lives. You should not complain about bad medicine or material technical base of educational institutions, but make your own contribution. Then your help will seem more valuable and a goal – nobler. Everything depends on us!”
During the event, Oleksiy Vadaturskyy called journalists and editors of publications, who were invited by city council and the hospital management to open the department, for joining the charity event. We must pay tribute, he immediately received positive response. This means that funds that were supposed to be paid for articles, will be used for the needs of the hospital.
I approach to you – managers of different large public and private enterprises, members of the grain market, entrepreneurs, deputies of different levels, large taxpayers, the citizens – with the proposal: show initiative, show that you or your company are socially responsible, show kindness, take patronage over a specific school, hospital, department, help them! Let`s do our medicine and education the best in Ukraine and not go abroad in search of better life!

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Андрій Вадатурський


Андрій Вадатурський став генеральним директором «НІБУЛОНу» після понад 15 років роботи в компанії — в липні 2022 року.

Він прийняв цю посаду після трагічної загибелі свого батька та засновника «НІБУЛОНу» Олексія Вадатурського разом із матір’ю Раїсою Вадатурською під час російського ракетного удару по їхньому дому в Миколаєві.

З 2014 до 2019 рік був народним депутатом України від одномандатного округу в Миколаївській області та членом Комітету з питань аграрної політики. У 2017 році створив і очолив велику міжпартійну групу, яка виступала за розвиток українських річок як транспортного засобу.  

Має ступінь магістра електротехніки Українського державного морського технічного університету та ступінь магістра економіки промисловості Лондонської школи економіки. У 2009 році за вагомий внесок у розвиток агропромислового комплексу України був нагороджений Президентом України, йому присвоєно звання «Заслужений працівник сільського господарства».

Одружений, має трьох дітей.

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