NIBULON started to build new river terminal in Cherkasy region

On the 17th of August in Vitove village (Cherkasy region) there was a solemn ceremony of the beginning of construction of new river terminal. The ceremony was visited by representatives of local authorities, guests from the capital, directors of building companies and equipment deliverers, representatives of mass media from different regions, workers of NIBULON branches such as “Zolotonis’ka”, “Chygyryn” and “Kamyanka”. We were waiting for this day. More than 2 years we cooperate with NIBULON under the direction of the Hero of Ukraine O.O. Vadaturskyy. Now I can say with confidence that we did not make a mistake when together with regional rada decided that this company would be a strategic partner in the development of Cherkasy region, – expressed his support to the company the Head of Cherkasy Regional State Administration Oleksandr Cherevko. – Cherkasy region has a great potential. Today we need companies that have storage capacities and can export grain. NIBULON helps us. Developing its business, the company develops production infrastructure of our region. Activity of this company is a pledge of creation of new work places and intake to budget. The Head of Cherkasy Regional Rada Volodymyr Gres’ said: NIBULON is an example for all investors demonstrating that Cherkasy region is opened for investments. We are sure that till the 15th of October the company will ship the first grain. It will be ours, cherkasy grain and it means that our agricultural producers will be able to sell their grain with gain. The Head of Chygyryn District State Administration Petro Lytvyn noted that due to activity of NIBULON our district had a chance to revive its famous past. We have to grow, strengthen and do such things to be famous for our work, economic capacity. Authority and business have to cooperate for the sake of economic result – worth work and proper wage for our people. The President of Ukrainian Grain Association Volodymyr Klymenko is sure that investment project of NIBULON will help to solve problems of Ukrainian agricultural business. Last year we were short of storage facilities, transport – so, I think, this project will help to solve these problems. To this river terminal will go barges with length – 90 m, beam – 16 m, depth moulded – 5, 20 m, max draft – 3, 70 m, deadweight – 4500 tons and holds capacity – 5800 m3 . Every 10 days we start construction of new object. Today two inland silos are building in Globyne and Romodan ( Poltava region). Now we are here in Cherkasy region. The construction of this object is the next logical stage of the biggest investment project at the cost of USD 150 mln. Due to our excellent credit history NIBULON received a credit from Danish government for purchase of equipment produced by Cimbria Unigrain A/S. This terminal will be the most modern enterprise owning to it agrarian sector of Cherkasy region will have additional profit, – commented the event General director of NIBULON Oleksiy Vadaturskyy. After consecration of object the bishop Ioan decorated O.Vadaturskyy with medal of Saint Yuriy the Winner for his charitable activity. After that there was a solemn laying of a capsule with address to offspring.  During the press conference O. Vadaturskyy noted that we are going to investigate different districts of Cherkasy region to develop our activity here. Every year we will build one of our enterprises in this region. The company has 36 branches in 11 regions of Ukraine and tills over 70 thousand hectares of farmland from 25 thousand of renters using modern intensive agricultural technologies and equipment that secure stable high yields and quality of grain that meets the requirements of both, Ukrainian and foreign consumers. The company strategy is to build new storage facilities where the company cultivates the farmland. Ukraine is able to produce more than 70 mln tons of grain of high quality. Our company will do everything Ukraine to be the best deliverer of high quality grain in the world! So we can confidently say that investment project of NIBULON is realizing according to the schedule. NIBULON shows that in the company work people which on their own example show how to work, how to revive their country. NIBULON is a leader of Ukrainian grain market that united our country in common cause to build Ukraine. Photo report

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Андрій Вадатурський


Андрій Вадатурський став генеральним директором «НІБУЛОНу» після понад 15 років роботи в компанії — в липні 2022 року.

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З 2014 до 2019 рік був народним депутатом України від одномандатного округу в Миколаївській області та членом Комітету з питань аграрної політики. У 2017 році створив і очолив велику міжпартійну групу, яка виступала за розвиток українських річок як транспортного засобу.  

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