“Nibulon Ltd.” Started construction of elevator for acceptance and shipment of grains

“Nibulon Ltd.” Started construction of elevator for acceptance and shipment of grains in the “Reshetilovskiy” Branch (village Zhovtnevoye, Poltava region).At the solemn opening of the construction, traditionally, a capsule with address to the descendants was put in and the first cubic meter of concrete was laid into the fundament of the constructed complex for intake, drying, storage, and shipment of grains.The decision of “Nibulon Ltd.” to build this complex was motivated by the necessity to develop elevator capacities in Poltava region. In the previous marketing year, the firms of Poltava region, collaborating with “Nibulon Ltd.”, sold over 300 thousand MT of corn grains. The lack of storage capacities appeared to be the major factor impeding completion of harvesting by the farms within optimal terms: trucks with grain staid several days in queues to elevators. Responding to the request of the farms of Poltava region, “Nibulon Ltd.” invests in the region by performing construction for the total cost of USD 3 million. At the constructed elevator, 80 new working places will be created.“Nibulon Ltd.” project envisages construction of fully automated and mechanized elevator (including 5 silos) with total volume 25 thousand MT of grains, as well as ensuring capacities of: grain drying with productivity 3 thousand MT per day, grain purification with productivity 2 thousand MT per day, and shipment to railway transport with productivity 3,5 thousand MT per day.
In order to ensure possibility to intake agricultural produce of various moisture level with subsequent bringing thereof to merchantable conditions according to Ukrainian and international standards, “Nibulon Ltd.” purchased two modern dryers of maximum capacity (75 MT/hour) produced by MATTEWS (the USA) that will be installed at the constructed complex in “Reshetilovskiy” Branch.The facilities of the complex will be designed with conveyor transportation systems, electronic weighing equipment; a laboratory with modern European equipment for agricultural produce quality analysis will be created.Construction of the complex is performed by large Nikolaev firms that have been collaborating with “Nibulon Ltd.” for a long time. Due to their professionalism and reliability, it is planned to complete the construction within the shortest term.
Nikolaev delegation at the solemn opening was headed by the Mayor of the city Mr. V.D.Chaika. Along with him, “Nibulon Ltd.” General Director A.A.Vadaturskyy, the Head of Export Development Administration of Ukreximbank I.H.Usmanov, the Head of Reshetilovka District State Administration A.N.Drobotenko, the Head of Reshetilovka District Soviet V.A.Berezhnoy, the Head of Zhovtnevoye Village Administration A.V.Skripchenko, the Chairman of the Board of CJSC CF “Zhilstroy-Niko” S.S.Nazarenko, Director of LLC “Universal” U.P.Galkin, the Chief Engineer of PCE “Vysotnik” B.I.Klym, and managers of the firms of Poltava region took part in the ceremony. Opening of Reshetilovskiy complex construction was held in triumphant atmosphere, with greetings and festive concert prepared by local collective amateur talent groups. The representative of the Orthodox Church Abba Vladimir consecrated the started construction.
The present priorities of “Nibulon Ltd.” in grain business are aimed at technological refitting of acting and construction of new capacities for storage, bringing to merchantable conditions, and shipment of agricultural products in regions of Ukraine. Along with the started construction of elevator in “Reshetilovskiy” Branch, large construction is performed in the branches: “Bashtanskiy”, “Snigirevskiy”, “Vradiyevskiy” (Nikolaev region), and “Khmelnikskiy” (Vinnitsa region). In total for 2006, it is planned to put into operation up to 100 thousand MT of elevator capacities. Simultaneously, “Nibulon Ltd.” plans to continue expanding the volume of its agricultural production. In Poltava region, the Company plans to lease 5 thousand hectares of land, thus increasing its total area of cultivated land up to 50 thousand hectares. In order to provide for transportation of grain, the Company purchased in Russia 8 trucks KamAZ with carrying capacity of 60 cubic meters each. “Nibulon Ltd.” is the only in Nikolaev region and one of a few companies in Ukraine using trucks of this model.Creation of the elevator for acceptance and shipment of grains in the “Reshetilovskiy” Branch will expand the capacity of “Nibulon Ltd.” to form commodity consignments of high-quality grains, and will allow local farmers to work directly with grain exporters, which will ensure significant increase in price received by the producers for their products and will open new opportunities for development of grain sector in the region.

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