“NIBULON”: in new year with high achievements!

December is the traditional time of summing up, it is a time when one can and should appreciate the work that was done during the year.
For “NIBULON” the year 2010was full of important, crucial events. Indifficult conditions of crisis within the frames of the patriotic project we constructed and put into operation 409 thousand tons of elevator capacities! Eight non-self-propelled vessels with a total deadweight of 34 thousand tons were launched! In2010,traffic volumes of “NIBULON” exceeded 700 thousand tons! Just imagine these enormous profits for Ukrainian farmers. 
Looking back over the past year, we will surely see: 2010 for “NIBULON” was the year of great victories and achievements. Despite this, our company’s path was through thorns and never was strewed with roses.
Today we want to recollect everything that past year will be best remembered for.
– February the 12th, 2010 – launching of two non-self-propelled (“river-sea”) vessels of mixed navigation for “NIBULON” took place at OJSC “Wadan Yards Okean”, in Mykolayiv. 

– February the 27th, 2010 – according to the results of Mykolayiv state program “Man of the Year -2009”, two Heroes of Ukraine General Director of “NIBULON” Oleksiy Vadaturskyy and General Director ofOJSC “Wadan Yards Okean” Mykola Romanchuk got the title “Citizen of the year” and gained the victoryin the special nomination“ Investment-innovative project of the year”. 

– March the 5th, 2010 – the vessel «Preventer» successfully called to theberth of “NIBULON”, where 37,7 thousand tons of barley were loaded, and then the vessel came from the company’s terminal in the direction of the raid of port Ochakiv to finish loading. 
The history of PREVENTER vessel, which arrived in the territorial waters of Ukraine for Ukrainian barley loading of about 65 thousand tons in October 2009, has acquired a resonance throughout Ukraine and abroad. For almost 5 months passage of the vessel to the berth of “NIBULON” was blocked by far-fetched, unlawful and anticompetitive reasons. Our close-knit and professional team once again proved that only following the principles of equality, fairness and integrity, promoting the spirit of fair competition and transparent business, respecting the letter of the law one can achieve success and get the truth.
– March the 12th, 2010 – in Gradyz’k town of Globyns’kyy district Poltava region a solemn ceremony of the beginning of construction of a new transshipment terminal for grains and oilseeds for river transport of “NIBULON” took place. The elevator complex became the first transshipment terminal of the company in Poltava region.
– March the 20th 2010 – the investment program of “NIBULON” gained the victory in nomination “Investment of the Year” of the 14th national program “Man of the Year – 2009”. 

– March the 25th 2010 – in Odessa a solemn ceremony of awarding winners of the third National Maritime rate of Ukraine summarizing the results of 2009 was held. According to a number of experts a large-scale investment project of “NIBULON” which includes construction of its own fleet, transshipment terminals and elevators was named as one of the main achievements in the maritime industry in 2009. “NIBULON” became a laureate of “National Maritime rate” in four rating nominations: “Renovation of the fleet”, “Golden berth”, “Absolute growth”, “Growth rate”.
– April the 12th-15th 2010 – non-self-propelled vessels of the company NBL 010, NBL 002, NBL 001 transported 11,8 thousand tons of wheat to the port “Illichivs’k”(Odesa region) for the first time.
– April the 16th 2010 – Launching of four new non-self-propelled vessels and signing the contracts on the construction of tugs for “NIBULON” took place at OJSC “Wadan Yards Okean”, in Mykolayiv.
– April the 30th 2010 – Solemn opening of “Kamyanka-Dniprovs’ka” branch (Kamyanka-Dniprovs’ka town of Zaporizhzhya region) – a new transshipment terminal on the shipment of grains and oilseeds on river transport was held. “Kamyanka-Dniprovs’ka” branch became the first facility of the company in the region.

– April the 26th – May the 3rd 2010 – “Prybuzhany” tug with non-self-propelled vessel NBL 015 went to the first trip along the Dnipro River, passing Kakhovka, Zaporizhzhya, Dniprodzerzhyns’k, Kremenchuk lockfor the loading at the transshipment terminal of “Vitove” branch of “NIBULON” in Chygyryn district of Cherkasy region, where it was loaded with three thousand tons of barley on the 3rd of May.

– June the 17th 2010 – In Kyiv city “NIBULON” and The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development signed an agreement on providing the company with a credit of USD 50 million for the financing of the investment project of the company to revive the Dnipro basin grain market infrastructure. 

The investment project of “NIBULON” is supported by the governments of Denmark and the Netherlands, the World Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, leading western financial institutions, the State Export Import Bank of Ukraine and other banks.In 2010 Danish Export Credit Fund (EKF) acted as guarantor during the agreement between “NIBULON” and “Cimbria Unigrain A/S” to supply transport and grain drying equipment for 8 next elevators, their construction will be a logical extension of the investment program of domestic company. This allowed attracting funding of European banks for a term of 5 years – it means that European banks, supporting “NIBULON’s” investment program, allocated 20 million Euros on a security of EKF. Do many Ukrainian farmers receive such a good support from financial institutions?
– June the 25th 2010 – solemn opening of “Gradyz’ka” branch (Gradyz’k town of Poltava region) a new transshipment terminal for grains and oilseeds on the shipment of grains and oilseeds on river transport was held. 
On the day of the solemn opening of the branch the presentation of ambulance keys for the local hospital, and certificates for computers and office equipment for the school №2 in Gradyz’k town was held. “NIBULON” repaired not only the area that belongs to it, but also town streets (Mechnykova, Ostrowskyy, Lenina, Gvardiys’ka, Heroes of Dnipro streets), lighting in the Heroes of Dnipro, Paris Commune and Poshtova streets was conducted. Gvardiys’ka street was rightly renamed into “NIBULONivs’ka” one! The company has fully restored surface, conducted the lighting, constructed bus-stops in the street.
– June the 29th 2010 – solemn opening of “Artemivs’ka” branch (Artemivka village, Chutоvo district, Poltava region) – a new elevator complex on the shipment of grains and oilseeds was held.
“NIBULON” also presented computers to eight local schools of Artemivka. Moreover, the company gave UAH 100 000 for the reconstruction of central regional hospital, UAH 100 000 for the erection of Rizdvo-Bogorodychna cathedral, UAH 20 000 for the support of local football team, the roads in Artemivka and Chernyakivka villages had been already restored. It does not include those funds already paid by “NIBULON” even before the construction of the elevator was started – it compiles UAH 1,5 million (for land plot, development of social infrastructure, etc.). Not every business today in Ukraine can be proud of such a humane attitude to social issues. 
– June the 30th 2010 – launching of four new non-self-propelled vessels of mixed (river-sea) navigation for “NIBULON” took place at OJSC “Wadan Yards Okean”, in Mykolayiv. Thus, the fleet consists of 24 non-self-propelled vessels. Later on the same day keel laying of the main push tug of the range which consists of 12 vessels was held.
– July the 3rd 2010 -the first loading at the transshipment terminal in Kamyanka-Dniprovs’ka town (Zaporizhzhya region) was held. 2624 tons of barley to transport it along the Dnipro to the berth of transshipment terminal of “NIBULON” in Mykolayiv were loaded onto the self-propelled vessel NBL020.
– July the 4th 2010 – dredging of operating area and the approach channel was completed. The total amount of dredging works was286 thousand cubic meters. The cost of dredging works is UAH 10million. Today the company has the ability to accept heavy-tonnage vessels of “Panamax” type with draft of 10,3m.
– September the 1st and 2nd 2010 – with the active support of Mykolayiv regional state administration headed by Mykola Kruglov and mayor of the city Volodymyr Chayka and financial support of “NIBULON”, the presentation of 10 new super modern multimedia classes of natural, mathematical and human sciences in 4 Mykolayiv schools (school № 24, 51, 57, boarding school № 6) took place. “NIBULON” presented multimedia board and computer class to the pupils of Lidiyivs’ka secondary school (Domanivs&a

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2017, 2019

Андрій Вадатурський


Андрій Вадатурський став генеральним директором «НІБУЛОНу» після понад 15 років роботи в компанії — в липні 2022 року.

Він прийняв цю посаду після трагічної загибелі свого батька та засновника «НІБУЛОНу» Олексія Вадатурського разом із матір’ю Раїсою Вадатурською під час російського ракетного удару по їхньому дому в Миколаєві.

З 2014 до 2019 рік був народним депутатом України від одномандатного округу в Миколаївській області та членом Комітету з питань аграрної політики. У 2017 році створив і очолив велику міжпартійну групу, яка виступала за розвиток українських річок як транспортного засобу.  

Має ступінь магістра електротехніки Українського державного морського технічного університету та ступінь магістра економіки промисловості Лондонської школи економіки. У 2009 році за вагомий внесок у розвиток агропромислового комплексу України був нагороджений Президентом України, йому присвоєно звання «Заслужений працівник сільського господарства».

Одружений, має трьох дітей.

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