“NIBULON” has renewed a large-scale patriotic investment project to the Independence Day of Ukraine

One of the largest agricultural producersin Ukraine, leader of the agrarian market “NIBULON” has resumed its large-scale investment project for grain market infrastructure development and restoration of navigation along the Dnipro and other rivers of Ukraine. Construction of a new modern elevator complex of the European level for reception, storage and shipment of grain and oilseeds – “Teteriv” branch was started in Velyki Korovyntsi villageof Zhytomyr region immediately after Independence Day. Capacity of the complex for simultaneous storage will be 76.8 thousand tons, capacity of dryers – 5 thousand tons per day, at the same time it will be possible to ship up to 5 tons per day by rail. Planned estimated construction cost is more than UAH 120 million. The first grain will come to the elevator at the end of October, by that time in record period, “NIBULON” plans to put the facility into operation. “NIBULON” also intends to build own breeding complex, meat processing plant, it will grow rye in the Zhytomyr region. At a solemn ceremony on the occasion of the beginning of the construction of the elevator complex, Head of Zhytomyr Regional State Administration Sergiy Ryzhuk made no secret of joy and said that he was doubly pleased by the fact that an investor of a global scale came to his region, his native Chudniv district. “A true patriot of Ukraine, real executive manager, Hero of Ukraine Oleksiy Vadaturskyy has come to the region. His company thinks not only about business, but (this is important), how to make good things to people”, said Sergiy Ryzhuk. “Thanks to “NIBULON” in the region new work places will be created in the agricultural sector, which is now a real rarity. The governor stressed, “Work places are created in the company in accordance with the most rigid international standards, all relationships are made legally, no backdoor salary, but only worthy salary. This is just good prospects for retirement.” Residents of the Zhytomyr region know how “NIBULON” works firsthand: three production units – “Romanivs’ka” (Romaniv village), “Bystrits’ka” (Bystryk village) and “Chudnivs’ka” (Chudniv village) have been successfully operating in Zhytomyr region for a long time. They harvest on of the biggest crops in the region. Director General of “NIBULON” said, “According to “NIBULON’s” tradition for the attendance of our branches, we would have built an elevator here, but the conciliation process was long. But only now, thanks to the Governor Sergiy Ryzhuk all issues have been resolved very quickly. As a manager, I have an absolute confidence in the Governor, in his team, and I know that investments will be secured here, so I can be engaged in the realization of investment activity feeling free.” The fact that Sergiy Ryzhuk and Oleksiy Vadaturskyy immediately at the ceremony signed a Memorandum of Partnership and Cooperation reflects the seriousness of the intentions of the Head of Zhytomyr Regional State Administration and Director General of “NIBULON”. Another document “On social partnership” was signed by Oleksiy Vadaturskyy and the Head of Velyki Korovyntsi village Larysa Paschenko. She said that the construction of the complex is a second chance for Velyki Korovyntsi village. After all, the investor’s money will be spent for repairing of the village school, club and kindergarten. A central water supply will be conducted also, roads will be repaired, street lighting will be installed. There is the guarantee that they will not close substation and it will become a small railway station. Herewith “NIBULON” will continue to assist the local community in solving social issues. During the keel-laying of symbolic capsule with an appeal to descendants, which was attended by Sergiy Ryzhuk, Oleksiy Vadaturskyy, leadership of the district and the village, general secretary of Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation (UAC) Sergiy Stoyanov, President of Ukrainian Grain Association (UGA), Volodymyr Klymenko, local builders gave a symbolic brick to their colleagues who will soon start the construction of a new elevator complex of “NIBULON” in Denyhivka village of Kyiv region. This brick is as a symbol of the continuous construction relay on the implementation of a large-scale investment project of “NIBULON” to develop the infrastructure for storing and transporting grain. The construction of a modern elevator in the Kyiv region will be started just in a few days. The Governor of the Kyiv region Anatoliy Prysyazhnyuk, local authorities under his control, want to see a powerful investor in the region and provide clear guarantees and create all conditions for investment activity of the company. Thus, on the 29th of July, 2011 within the second investment forum of Kyiv region “Stability and growth” in Vyshgorod (the Kyiv region) Director General of “NIBULON” Oleksiy Vadaturskyy and the Head of Kyiv Regional State Administration Anatoliy Prysyazhnyuk signed a memorandum “On partnership and cooperation”. The parties believe that this will be the key to successful cooperation between the company and regional authorities. “NIBULON’s” work is highly appreciated in the Kherson region also. The Head of Kherson Regional State Administration Mykola Kostyak said, “Fertile Kherson land was waiting for such investor as “NIBULON” for years, and finally it has come! The company intends to build two new transshipment terminals in the Kherson region, in Novovorontsovka village Novovorontsov district and Kozats’ke village Beryslav district. The regional authorities of the Kherson region today are particularly interested in the development of the investment program of “NIBULON” for the development of logistics along the Dnipro River and extension of capacities for grain storage. “I think it is not a coincidence that “NIBULON” known for its work not only in Ukraine but throughout the world will begin construction of two facilities in the Kherson region,” Mykola Kostyak says. “Today, our region is a leader in producing high quality wheat and grain crops. This year the Kherson region can be proud of a high yield and gross yield of grain at 2.5 million tons. The region plans to exceed this result next year because there were times when farmers of the Kherson region showed result of more than 3 million tons!” Presentation of the investment project of “NIBULON” in the Kherson region was held on the eve of Independence Day of Ukraine. Oleksiy Vadaturskyy considers that it is for a reason, because “NIBULON” is contemporary of independence. Herewith the agricultural company today is not only a leader of the agrarian sector of Ukraine, but also it is among the largest in the world. Participants of the grain market, the management of UGA and UAC, colleagues of Director General believe that “NIBULON” is a vivid example of what Ukrainian agro-industrial complex and the whole Ukraine could be in conditions of such highly qualified management. Resumption of the investment project of the company has now become possible thanks to the constructive position of local authorities. “Thanks to the fact that local governors are patriotic and resolve issues about activization of investment activity in patriotic way, you believe them and invest on the ground”, Oleksiy Vadaturskyy stressed. “NIBULON” has already invested astronomical sum of money – USD 1 billion 300 million into the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine and that is not the limit. “We are committed to our investment program! We will implement it, despite any difficulties or any interventions of regulatory and law enforcement agencies into our company’s activity,” Oleksiy Vadaturskyy said. “Today everybody speaks about absence of guarantees of investment in Ukrainian economy. However, the situation is not getting better. Only if the whole country will work as “NIBULON” does, then we can change our future for the better. The Ukrainians deserve to have a good salary, appropriate working conditions, to eat high-quality bread and meat”, the Hero of Ukraine, General Director of “NIBULON “Oleksiy Vadaturskyy said.

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Андрій Вадатурський


Андрій Вадатурський став генеральним директором «НІБУЛОНу» після понад 15 років роботи в компанії — в липні 2022 року.

Він прийняв цю посаду після трагічної загибелі свого батька та засновника «НІБУЛОНу» Олексія Вадатурського разом із матір’ю Раїсою Вадатурською під час російського ракетного удару по їхньому дому в Миколаєві.

З 2014 до 2019 рік був народним депутатом України від одномандатного округу в Миколаївській області та членом Комітету з питань аграрної політики. У 2017 році створив і очолив велику міжпартійну групу, яка виступала за розвиток українських річок як транспортного засобу.  

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