“NIBULON” has opened the biggest transshipment terminal in Ukraine

“NIBULON” has opened the second transshipment terminal, out of 4 planned to be constructed by the 1st of July 2010, in Kamyanka-Dniprovs’ka town of Zaporizhzhya region by the Dnipro River bank within the frames of the investment project. It is the largest transshipment terminal for receiving grain and oilseeds in Ukraine. It has already received non-self-propelled vessels of the company and is ready to receive grain from agrarians of Zaporizhzhya and nearby areas. During the opening of the terminal, access way of one of the non-self-propelled vessels has been demonstrated, vessel was constructed for “NIBULON” at Mykolayiv shipbuilding yard “Wadan Yards Okean”.  The Head of Zaporizhzhya Regional State Administration Borys Petrov said that he would promote further implementation of investment project in the region. “Today we are witnessing the opening of grand complex, which is not to be equalled. In Zaporizhzhya region there are 39 elevators, twenty of them need to be repaired. Our agrarians grow more than 2 million tons of grain, and it should be tilled, stored, exported. “NIBULON” suggested a project – a grand project throughout Ukraine that provides new work places … Businesses should not be interfered – it is the main task of the authority. We want such projects to operate in our region, not only in Kamyanka-Dniprovs’ka, but in Zaporizhzhya, Berdyans’k and other areas, and we will support this business, realizing that transparent grain trading will work here. It is very important”, – stressed Borys Petrov. Zaporizhzhya Regional Council Chairman Pavlo Matviyenko also noted the critical role of the investment project of “NIBULON” and expressed readiness to contribute to the development of the project. “Our support is complete. We will assist in allotment of land, laying of communications, obtaining permits, overcoming the obstacles that are in the way of investments. For us it is a test step. We will encourage other investors to come to us, we have the doors open and the economy is open to you and to social partnership”- said P. Matviyenko. During the solemn ceremony of the terminal opening B. Petrov, P. Matviyenko and O. Vadaturskyy signed a memorandum between Zaporizhzhya State Administration, Zaporizhzhya Regional Council and “NIBULON” of concerted action on construction of a network of terminals in Zaporizhzhya region on the shipment of grain and industrial crops on the river and sea transport.  The implementation of the first stage of the investment project “NIBULON” is scheduled for completion by the 1st of July, 2010. The company has revised its investment obligations and thus planned investment in the economy has increased by 2 times – up to USD 300 million. General Director of “NIBULON” Oleksiy Vadaturskyy briefed Deputy Prime Minister on agrarian questions Victor Slauta, the Minister of Agricultural policy Mykola Prysyajnyuk, Governor of Mykolayiv region Mykola Kruglov on the project in details. Furthermore, the project is supported by local authorities and governors of other regions, where “NIBULON” conducts its investment activity. At the same time representatives of “NIBULON” are confident that for the successful implementation of the project the status of a national program at the level of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine should be given. “There were meetings with the governors of a number of regions who are interested in the revival of  the Dnipro River. It is a constructive dialogue, and it turns out that the government and business are partners. Our idea is an interesting one; it deserves to have national status, since it affects different regions of Ukraine and the branches of national economy. There is a support of governors and authorities, and it will allow getting the status of a national program. It will give thousands of work places along Dnipro River. This is UAH 4 billion of additional income for agrarians, it means workload of metallurgists, builders, that are engaged in construction of companies, and shipbuilders”, – said O. Vadaturskyy. He also stressed that successful implementation of this project is a positive signal to foreign investors. The current management of the Ministry of Transport and Communications adequately assessed the extent and significance of the investment project of the company. At the opening of the terminal Deputy Head of the State Administration of maritime and river transport, Boris Kozyr emphasized the unprecedented event. “I am sure that due to this terminal, our country will make a statement even more in foreign markets, will increase its export potential. This facility is unique in its own way. It was built during a difficult time for Ukraine. I want to say thank Hero of Ukraine, General Director of “NIBULON” Oleksiy Vadaturskyy: “Well done, Oleksiy Opanasovych!”. The Ministry of Transport and Communication unequivocally supports this project because it is investment, infrastructural, and development of Ukraine is related to the development of our infrastructure. The Ministry will continue to support such initiatives”, – said B.Kozyr. Before opening of the terminal, meeting with the agrarians of the region was held. According to the president of Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation Leonid Kozachenko, agrarians are very optimistic about the project of “NIBULON”. “Today “NIBULON” – is not just a national investor. This is a transnational company, whose value exceeds USD 1 billion. It is a price forming company in the market of Ukraine. The price that the company sets is known even on Chicago Stock Exchange, where they are guided by it accordingly. Ukrainian products are known and bought there. This is a great advantage, which the company creates for our products. These are very complicated markets, the largest countries in the world are constantly forced to struggle for them. It is very important for Ukraine, that it won the third place on grain export in the world. The flagship of this export is “NIBULON”, – said L. Kozachenko. O. Vadaturskyy noted that for the full revival of Ukrainian river navigation of the company a number of issues and problems should be solved. In particular, the carrying out dredging works in Ukrainian rivers, passing the locks and many others. O. Vadaturskyy said that it is a pleasure for his company to be a pioneer in the revival of the navigational Ukraine. 20 non-self-propelled river-sea vessels of “NIBULON” are already launched. In the near future 4 more vessels will be launched. In total, the company plans to form a fleet that consists of 50 vessels, including self-propelled and non-self-propelled vessels, as well as its own tugs, OJSC “Wadan Yards Okean” has already started the construction of vessels. In the near future “NIBULON” plans to launch another 2 large transshipment terminals on the Dnipro River in Gradyz’k and Kremenchuk, Poltava region, and 2 elevator complexes – in Artemivka and Maryanivka. Also in the plans of the company is to continue the construction of terminals along the navigable rivers and the development of the navigable capacity of Ukraine. Start of the construction of new elevator complexes along the Dnipro River</st1

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Андрій Вадатурський став генеральним директором «НІБУЛОНу» після понад 15 років роботи в компанії — в липні 2022 року.

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З 2014 до 2019 рік був народним депутатом України від одномандатного округу в Миколаївській області та членом Комітету з питань аграрної політики. У 2017 році створив і очолив велику міжпартійну групу, яка виступала за розвиток українських річок як транспортного засобу.  

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