“NIBULON” expects a record grain harvest!

Toilers of “NIBULON’s ” branches are working tirelessly! Now harvesting of late grain crops is being continued at the branches of the company. As of the 26th of September almost 85% of the sunflower area, that is 11.5 thousand hectares of crops, is harvested. It is trashed about 27 thousand tons with an average yield at a level of 23 dt / ha. The branches of eastern region are among the leaders – more than 3.3 thousand tons with yield of 28.5 dt / ha were harvested from an area of 1170 ha in “Troyits’ka” branch, 2.2 thousand tons with yield of 27.6 dt / ha were harvested from an area of ​​772 hectares in “Novopskovs’ka” branch. Khmelnytskyy region does not lag behind, thus in “Kamyanets’-Podil’sk” branch over 1.7 thousand tons with yield of 26.6 dt / ha from an area of 650 hectares were trashed! Agro service of “NIBULON” plans to complete harvesting of the culture already within the next week! Meanwhile, the branches of southern and eastern regions have started harvesting of corn. The first control threshing shows high results that in the south of Ukraine reach even a record level! For example, workers of RE “Lidiyivs’ke” trashed more than 2.8 thousand tons of corn with yield of about 85 dt / ha over an area of ​​334 hectares. Poltava and Lugans’k regions also show good results – “Suhorabivs’ka” branch is currently harvesting late crops with yield of 83.3 dt / ha, “Svativs’ka” branch with the yield of 63.7 dt / ha, “Bilovods’ka” – with yield of 62.8 dt / ha. Currently, the branches of the southern region started harvesting sorghum. The first control threshing shows yield of crop at a level of 40-50 dt / ha. Deputy General Director of “NIBULON” for production Kostyantyn Khmelnits’kyy shared with us good news: this season, the company expects to get a record gross harvest crops of late grain group! Thus “NIBULON’s” farmers plan to harvest more than 120 thousand tons of corn, more than 32 thousand tons of sunflower seeds, other grains crops of late grain group are at a level of 15 thousand tons. Moreover, according to Kostyantyin Khmelnits’kyy, yield of sunflower and corn through the company increased by 10-12 % compared with last year! As to the rate of harvesting campaign this year “NIBULON” is ahead of its last year indicators on harvesting corn by 12%. In regard to corn given favorable for natural reduction of grain moisture droughty autumn, harvesting of this crop is slower compared to the 2010 season. This allows the harvesting of corn of higher quality and to reduce costs for processing of this crop. If droughty autumn is good for harvesting, but for sowing campaign lack of rain hinder fast completion of this type of work. As of today, 20 thousand hectares out of 32 thousand planned are sown. Including winter wheat 16 thousand hectares, it is 66% of the planned 24 thousand hectares. “NIBULON’s” farmers again prove: Ukraine has a significant agricultural potential and is ready to take leading positions in its scope and quality of agricultural products in the world!

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Андрій Вадатурський


Андрій Вадатурський став генеральним директором «НІБУЛОНу» після понад 15 років роботи в компанії — в липні 2022 року.

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З 2014 до 2019 рік був народним депутатом України від одномандатного округу в Миколаївській області та членом Комітету з питань аграрної політики. У 2017 році створив і очолив велику міжпартійну групу, яка виступала за розвиток українських річок як транспортного засобу.  

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