“NIBULON” expands vegetable production

It is not a secret that nobody wants to be engaged in vegetable production in many farms, agricultural enterprises. It is better to grow sunflower, corn, grain, rape – you don’t need to take much care about it and get bigger profits – this is the way most of the managers think. Fortunately, managers and specialists of “NIBULON” are not among them. Neither are residents of Lidiyivka. This particular unit was the first of the branches that began to grow vegetables on its fields. A young manager, who at that time just headed the staff of “Lidiyivs’ke” branch, capable agriculturist Tereshchenko O.K. was an initiator of this undertaking. It was started with a small area that increased every year. Oleksandr Kostyantynovych says: “We have started to provide the main part of our own canteen with vegetables as well as seasonal work for several dozen people. Year after year, we increased vegetable gardens, and the number of employees increased. We have mounted greenhouse on our own with expedient means, ensured its heating. This year we already have two greenhouses, the area of ​​which compiles 12 hundred square meters. Last year on the post of an agronomist-vegetable grower of greenhouse industry was appointed experienced specialist Tymoshenko L.A. because vegetable production is significantly expanded. An agronomist-vegetable grower Kushnir Ye.A and assistant of agronomist Iglava I.M. organize the work on the vegetable gardens besides him. It is light and warmly as it should be in greenhouses. Early cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers are growing, each bush is accurately tied. First cucumbers have already appeared not only in the seedbeds. Onion, parsley, radish are supplied to the canteen. Leonid Tymoshenko emotionally and quite comprehensively describes his household: “We buy the best varieties of domestic and foreign seeds for seedlings, sowing and planting in open ground. For example we bought tomato seeds in Tiraspol Research Institute of Vegetable, which have very extensive experience in growing the crop. Their soils, climate conditions are close to ours. We have many Dutch vegetable varieties, which are also high-yielding, are in demand in many countries. We started work on growing seedlings on the 10th of January, that is why today we already have the first vegetables.  How many people will work in vegetable gardens this year? – the agronomist Tymoshenko L.A. was asked. “50-70 people, and in certain periods the number is up to a hundred. Both our managers and managers and specialists from the central office aim to give work to as many people as possible. A lot of residents of surrounding villages, where there isn’t any work, come to work here” – he replied. Manager of the unit Tereshchenko O.K. confirms everything said by agronomist: “Every year we strive to provide with work as many people as possible. Vegetables and gourd field is also an opportunity to have work from spring till autumn to those who wants that. Chief agronomist of the unit Filimonov V.V., who is always busy in this hot spring season (together with the manager Tereshchenko O.K. he is constantly on the fields next to the outfit), described the range of vegetable crops that will be cultivated. Potatoes, beets, carrots, onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, pepper – these are the crops that this year will be grown at vegetable plantations. Filimonov V. said “Today on the agenda there is a key issue of conservation of grown products. To grow a good crop of vegetables is only a half the battle. To have proper conditions for their storage is equally important. Then we would be able to dispose grown products in more appropriate way, to sell products in winter and spring at higher prices etc. We would be able even to cover our own needs till new vegetables are grown. It should be noted that last year we had enough vegetables not only for the purposes of our unit, but we also sent them to the transshipment terminal in Mykolayiv city, to the other branches, gave them not only to out staff and residents of Lidiyivka, but to everybody. Other branches of “NIBULON” also inherited quite a useful business of growing vegetables after “Lidiyivs’ke” branch. When most of Ukraine’s population has to buy overseas vegetables of questionable quality, here they are grown themselves. In the pictures: agronomist-vegetable grower Tymoshenko L.A., assistant of agronomist Iglava I.M. and agronomist-vegetable grower Kushnir Ye.A; adorable cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers.

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Андрій Вадатурський


Андрій Вадатурський став генеральним директором «НІБУЛОНу» після понад 15 років роботи в компанії — в липні 2022 року.

Він прийняв цю посаду після трагічної загибелі свого батька та засновника «НІБУЛОНу» Олексія Вадатурського разом із матір’ю Раїсою Вадатурською під час російського ракетного удару по їхньому дому в Миколаєві.

З 2014 до 2019 рік був народним депутатом України від одномандатного округу в Миколаївській області та членом Комітету з питань аграрної політики. У 2017 році створив і очолив велику міжпартійну групу, яка виступала за розвиток українських річок як транспортного засобу.  

Має ступінь магістра електротехніки Українського державного морського технічного університету та ступінь магістра економіки промисловості Лондонської школи економіки. У 2009 році за вагомий внесок у розвиток агропромислового комплексу України був нагороджений Президентом України, йому присвоєно звання «Заслужений працівник сільського господарства».

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