“NIBULON” constructs a base for its fleet on the Dnipro River – the direct gate to the world markets

One of the leaders of Ukrainian agricultural market, the country`s largest agricultural enterprise “NIBULON” started the construction of the modern base of its fleet on the Dnipro River in Kozats’ke village of Kherson region, which will provide direct Black Sea gate of vessels, as it will be situated below the sea wall of Kakhovka hydroelectric station – the sixth (the lower and the last) barrage step of the Dnipro hydroelectric stations. The uniqueness of the project is in the fact that it will be the only largest terminal in Ukraine on the Dnipro River, located below water basin locks. This will allow vessels to freely approach this terminal directly from the sea all year round. A unique berthing facilities with a length of 315 m, which includes cargo berth (105 m) and berthing dolphins (210 m) will be built at the terminal. This will allow tying up three (!) non-self-propelled vessels «NBL» (each has a length of 90 m). Thus, taking into account the proximity of the facility to Kakhovs’kyy lock, moorage point of “NIBULON’s” cargo fleet will be created here. Thus, at the end of winter season “NIBULON” promoted sharply the implementation of the large-scale patriotic project to develop the infrastructure of the grain market of the country, providing for the revival of navigation along the Dnipro and other rivers, as well as construction of new, from a technological point of view, elevator capacities. A solemn start of the construction of the company’s next transshipment terminal in Pereyaslav-Khmel’nyts’kyy district of Kyiv region is scheduled on April 10. This will be the 22nd elevator, built in the framework of “NIBULON’s” investment project, which will close the production cycle of the company’s commercial fleet shipping on the Dnipro River from Kyiv region to the Black Sea. The solemn ceremony of breaking ground of the symbolic capsule of the transshipment terminal for receiving and storing of grain construction start, with a capacity of 76 thousand tons of simultaneous storage in Kozats’ke village of Beryslav region Kherson region, was held on April 3. Thousands of local residents, builders and a high-ranking delegation from Kyiv arrived to attend the event. The head of Kherson Regional State Administration Mykola Kostyak stated, “I am happy that “NIBULON” has begun the construction of such a powerful transshipment terminal in Kherson region, and implements the investment project in our region”. The Governor noted that it was the first investment of “NIBULON” in Kherson region, he emphasized that the start of construction was organized in record time. On August 22, 2011 a memorandum on social partnership between authority and the company was signed, and on April 2012 the construction is already in a full swing at the site. Mykola Kostyak expressed his confidence that due to the joint efforts of the authorities and “NIBULON’s” team the new terminal will be built in record time and will start working on June 21, 2012. “This is a historic event for Kherson region. We expect that there will be at least two more such projects, the construction of terminals in Novovorontsovka on the Dnipro River and Geniches’k town on the shore of the Azov Sea. Each project is estimated at USD 20 million. A total investment amount of the company to the region economy will compile about UAH half a billion”, the Governor said. “The arrival of such powerful companies is also a message to all other companies that a good investment environment is created in Kherson region. If “NIBULON” comes, this is a brand that shows that our region is a region where there is products quantity and quality, which consumers can order”, the chairman of the Kherson Regional Council President Victor Pelykh said. According to Mykola Kostyak, “NIBULON” has approved itself not only as a company, that brings the latest technologies, but also as a company that improves the welfare of countrymen producers. “This is due to the purchasing of “NIBULON”, for example, the price for sunflower seeds in our region has increased up to UAH 300 per each ton. In addition, after we have lost about 60% of winter crops because of the frost, the company invited us to sow the fields with sorghum, which is the new crop. Its yield is 2-3 times higher than barley yield, which is traditional for our region. This means that countrymen will earn more “, the Governor said. Experts and participants of the grain market, who attended the breaking ground of the terminal, noted the critical importance of the patriotic project on the revival of the Dnipro River, agricultural sector and the country’s economy as a whole. “The system of elevators on the water, such as the system in Kozats’ke village, involves a considerable saving of resources of automobile and rail transport. Most exporters now face a deficit of railcars for grain export, for example. 10 thousand railcars, which today run on “Ukrzaliznytsya” to meet the interests of the grain growers, are not enough. The fact that “NIBULON” decided to shift 3 million tons for the river transportation, is a significant budget saving, on which railcars should have been purchased. Denominated volume is 1/8 of total Ukrainian export. We save UAH 800 million on 1.3 thousand railcars, USD 80 thousand each,” the president of the Ukrainian Grain Association Volodymyr Klymenko said. According to the General Director of Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation Sergiy Stoyanov, the implementation of such a large-scale project is primarily an example of how a representative of management, entrepreneurial and agrarian elite should behave. The introduction of a high “NIBULON’s” social standard is important for each project, which “NIBULON” implements. According to the head of Kozats’ke village Andriy Chyrko, first sum of UAH 2.8 million, which the company paid for the land plot for the elevator construction, made it possible to carry out a number of socially significant events. In particular, to repair kindergarten, including the repair of sewerage, catering place and to open a full-fledged pre-school institution for 250 people on the site of an abandoned coal storage. “We have also begun to repair a house of culture, to repair a spectator area, a gym. We also plan to renovate village museum, the project on reconstruction of water supply system is ordered. Moreover, the company will allocate another UAH 1 million for the social needs of the village,” Andriy Chyrko said. In addition to this, a bypass road will be built around the village, trucks will travel on the road around the center. The central street will be repaired and equipped with lighting. The construction of the terminal will create about 1500 work places. In particular, forming fleet base on its basis in the village means a small business development. According to the calculations of “NIBULON” each year up till 1000 vessels that will carry up to 3 million tons of grain will pass through the terminal and the elevator. That will be both an additional loading of vessels that have already been uploaded at the other terminals, and loading from scratch. Crews of vessels will rest in Kozats’ke village (old office building will be reconstructed into a comfortable hotel of European type for that purpose), it will be possible to buy water, food, petroleum products there. We can say that this is the first investment of such a scale during 20 years, which will develop the village. In fact, for us it is a second wind,” the village head noted in this regard. “We will help local authorities and live together with the village, we will work together with the regional administration to solve the problems posed by our government – the President and the Prime Minister. These are not the slogans, we make a concrete contribution,” the General Director of “NIBULON”, Hero of Ukraine Oleksiy Vadaturskyy stressed. “Kozats’ke village is both a gate to the Dnipro, and a gate to the Black Sea and on the world markets. The depth and area here allow constructing a base for our fleet, and it will be created here. Vessels will not call at Mykolayiv city. Vessels will be parked here, and shipping of grain batches will be also formed here. Vessels will be fueled up and refilled with food and water here. Also a powerful crane will work here, it will be able to overload from vessels to elevators and from an elevator to load grain on more powerful vessels. We will form batches to finish loading vessels at sea. We have almost completed the logistics of the Dnipro River revival as a transport water way. This will enable farmers to earn extra revenue at the level of USD 10-15 per ton of cargo,” the General Director of “NIBULON” said. At the same time Oleksiy Vadaturskyy stressed that farmers will not have to incur additional transport costs for the grain transportation to Mykolayiv or other ports. “Agricultural producers will deliver their products to export directly, without intermediaries!” he said. “In addition, we create the conditions for the development of export potential. Today we have a capacity of elevators at the amount of 1.6 million tons. We set a task to build facilities with a capacity of 2.5 million tons. This will allow developing export opportunities for our company up to 10 million tons, and will allow Ukraine to export 35-40 million tons per year. It is very important at the rate of the fact that our country will soon be able to crop 80 million tons of grain,” Oleksiy Vadaturskyy said. According to his calculations, in general, due to the implementation of the patriotic investment project on the rivers revival, the agrarian sector of Ukraine will be able to additionally earn up to UAH 4 billion income. Provided that the revival of shipping along the Dnipro River and other rivers will unload up to 100 thousand trucks from the roads, because the significant part of the grain transportation will be carried out by the river fleet. The company itself will aim at export amounts increasing by improving the logistics system of grain delivery. Including the UN Food Program – from the current 800 thousand tons till 1 million tons. “Today “NIBULON” is able to export grain in such quantities that would ensure full annual demand for grain of such large countries as Spain, or such as Israel, Tunisia, Sudan and Jordan together. We set a goal to have such scope of supply, which would be enough for Egypt. It is very important, because our company allows farmers to be full participants in the grain market and grain suppliers in the UN Food Programme,” Oleksiy Vadaturskyy stressed.

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Андрій Вадатурський


Андрій Вадатурський став генеральним директором «НІБУЛОНу» після понад 15 років роботи в компанії — в липні 2022 року.

Він прийняв цю посаду після трагічної загибелі свого батька та засновника «НІБУЛОНу» Олексія Вадатурського разом із матір’ю Раїсою Вадатурською під час російського ракетного удару по їхньому дому в Миколаєві.

З 2014 до 2019 рік був народним депутатом України від одномандатного округу в Миколаївській області та членом Комітету з питань аграрної політики. У 2017 році створив і очолив велику міжпартійну групу, яка виступала за розвиток українських річок як транспортного засобу.  

Має ступінь магістра електротехніки Українського державного морського технічного університету та ступінь магістра економіки промисловості Лондонської школи економіки. У 2009 році за вагомий внесок у розвиток агропромислового комплексу України був нагороджений Президентом України, йому присвоєно звання «Заслужений працівник сільського господарства».

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