“NIBULON” as a socially responsible company – results of a year 2010

Today, in early 2011, let us remember all those nice and important businesses that have been made by “NIBULON” in 2010.
“NIBULON’s” standard
“NIBULON” practices the following principles in its social activity:
Every child in Ukraine, whether it resides in a village or in a city, studies in a regular school or specialized one, comes from a poor or wealthy family, should have an access to the first-class education. Children are our future and they deserve to live in the best country in the world!
We want Ukrainian children to evolve on the same level as the students of developed European countries. The best learning environment for our children is the main key to high economic growth of our country in future.
The program “NIBULON’s” standard involves almost 14 000 children throughout Ukraine.
We are pleased to see results of their work in this direction. Students of our affiliated schools win in various competitions and contests, and upon completion of schooling, they easily enter universities, achieve significant results in sports, become creative personalities, it means they are worthy citizens of their country.
On the 1st and 2nd of September at the initiative of Mykolayiv regional state administration headed by Mykola Kruglov and mayor of the city Volodymyr Chayka and financial support of “NIBULON” the presentation of 10 new modern multimedia classes of natural, mathematical and human sciences in 4 Mykolayiv schools (school № 24, 51, 57, boarding school № 6) took place. This year the company has added boarding school for children with hearing impairments to three Mykolayiv affiliated schools. Such kids need to feel support of people. Newest equipment will help them to feel themselves true members of society and feel the benefits of modern life.
Traditionally, fourth consecutive year all first-graders of Mykolayiv city receive an informative children’s book “My favorite city Mykolayiv” as a gift. The book is published with the financial support of “NIBULON”.
“NIBULON” presented multimedia board and computer class to the pupils of Lidiyivs’ka secondary school (Domanivs’kyy district, Mykolayiv region). Only due to the care of “NIBULON” residents of Lidiyivka village could save the school. Sponsorship in the amount of UAH 160 thousand was provided to the school in the 2009/2010 school year only. First of all it is heating of the school, organizing of excursions, purchase of new computers, sports equipment, uniforms and school bags for first-graders.

Office equipment and computers in 2010 were presented to pupils of eight schools of Artemivka village (Smorodschyns’ka, Novofedorivs’ka, Vodyans’ka, Chernyakivs’ka, Iskrivs’ka, Vil’huvats’ka, Florivs’ka, Taverivs’ka) School № 2 in Gradyz’k (Globyns’kyy district, Poltava region) and Maryanivka rural school (Grebinky district, Poltava region) and many others.
The latest medical equipment to medical institutions
Our company believes that health is the most valuable wealth not only of an individual but also of society as a whole. “NIBULON” helped the hospitals of Mykolayiv region more than once (emergency care hospitals, Mykolayiv district hospital) and other regions of Ukraine. A year 2010 was not an exception.
At the expense of “NIBULON’s ” sponsorship with the participation of the Chairman of Mykolayiv Regional State Administration Mykola Kruglov, new diagnostic equipment was handed to the district hospital. With the help of a new device of Japanese production Olympas GIF-E medical staff will be able to perform endoscopic examinations, diagnosis of stomach diseases and perform surgery. The introduction of such equipment optimizes the work of the hospital during the economic crisis, it will make work economically profitable because it will shorten the time of treatment, it will promote the effective use of medicines and rapid rehabilitation of the patient.
Mykolayiv Regional Children’s Infectious Hospital received a gift – a high quality German urine analyzer «Urisys 1100» and test strips «Combur-test» from “NIBULON”. The hospital will meet new 2011 year with new multifold possibilities of authentic definition of parameters that characterize metabolites in urine (PH, acidity, ketone bodies, leukocytes, erythrocytes, etc.).

“NIBULON” presented new ultramodern machine “Soleo Sono” to physiotherapy department of the Mykolayiv District Hospital. This is a new generation of ultrasound therapy equipment produced in Germany (Zimmer MedizinSysteme GmbH). Therapeutic range of such equipment is very wide: the treatment of neurological, cardiac, gastroenterological, pulmonological diseases.

“NIBULON” does not stand aside problems of a rural community in other regions. Gradyz’k local hospital (Globyns’kyy district, Poltava region.) received an ambulance, UAH 100 000 was given to Artemivs’ka Central District Hospital (Chutоvo district, Poltava region) for repairing of the facilities. Gas supply and hot water was laid to the medical and obstetric centre in Maryanivka (Grebinky district, Poltava region).

The company takes care of the Ukrainians’ health, it provides medical facilities not only with medical equipment and funds for the current repairs, but also with food.
Buying medical equipment and helping hospitals the company strives to implement new breakthrough technologies in medicine, because only by this principle, we, Ukrainians, can receive effective treatment according to the place of residence. Without health one can not achieve success.
Let’s revive Ukrainian village!
Through our work we have shown that Ukraine, due to its black soil and hardworking people can become a leader in the global grain market. If our government had dozens of companies such as ours, the grain harvest would amount  85 million tons!
Today, our company demonstrates the way how serious business has to help the community. “NIBULON” allocates money for the development of social infrastructure of the districts, renovation of roads and lighting, restoration of water supply is conducted etc.
We help to develop small towns, where our branches are located, local infrastructure, breathe a new life into the community and really prove that we, Ukrainians, are able to make our lives better. Those regions of Ukraine, which have participated in the investment project of “NIBULON”, have assured themselves of that. Population places become alive and get another, more modern look. Even during the construction of the facility the bright street light and asphalt appears. After opening of the facility it is attended by Ukrainian and foreign visitors with excursions.
Thus, land for future construction is immediately redeemed by the company in the regions. Thus before the start of the construction works local budgets have significant additional revenues that are used for solution of urgent social issues.
By a good tradition “NIBULON” creates not only high-tech elevator complexes, but also helps the population to put things right within the territory of the town or village where the facility is built.
Even before the opening of the transshipment terminal in Kamyanka-Dniprovs’ka town (Zaporizhzhya region) “NIBULON” allocated UAH 300 003.00 for the development of local infrastructure, these funds were directed to the construction of playground and renovation of the kindergarten.
During the construction, “NIBULON” allocated about UAH 1,5 million for the development of Gradyz’k town. These funds are aimed at the reconstruction of monuments to the dead servicemen of the Great Patriotic War, construction of sports grounds with artificial covering, installation of water supply, reconstruction of cultural centre and roads, and many other social projects aimed at improving life of rural people living in Gradyz’k.
Thanks to the help of “NIBULON” choreographic collective “Rodzynka Plus” (Gradyz’k town, Poltava region) participated in the International Festival “Fair of talents” in Bulgaria.  “NIBULON” repaired not only the area that belongs to it, but also town streets, lighting in the streets was conducted. In accordance with the decision of 46th session of 5th call of Gradyz’k village council part of Lenin Street in Gradyz’k town was renamed into “NIBULON’s” one. The company has fully restored bus-stops in the street at the amount of UAH 27 907. Given that the construction was completed in summer, which is a bad time for planting trees, “NIBULON” postponed another gift to rural people living in Gradyz’k – park with 700 trees till spring 2011.
In addition, during the solemn opening of “Artemivs’ka” branch (Artemivka village of Chutоvo district) “NIBULON” allocated UAH 100 000 for the erection of Rizdvobogorodychna cathedral and UAH 20 000 for the support of local football team, UAH 441 465.60 – for the restoration of roads in Artemivka and Chernyakivka villages. It does not include those funds already paid by “NIBULON” even before the construction of the elevator was started – it compiles more than UAH 1,5 million (for land plot, development of social infrastructure, etc.).
Community of Kremenchuk has already experienced significant benefits and advantages of cooperation with such a trustworthy agricultural company as “NIBULON”. UAH 4.7 million were allocated for these purposes by the company – the money is specifically obtained in the benefit of the community. Thus, the reconstruction of the central city stadium is completed at the expense of “NIBULON” (it is UAH 2.5 mln.), truck to repair the road surface in the town and two public-service emergency vehicles were bought. The company helped to arrange the park, which is located near the construction zone.
Funds for land plot under the elevator complex of “NIBULON” in Maryanivka village (Grebinky district, Poltava region) were immediately paid to the local budget amounting more than UAH 2.4 million. Many good deeds for local residents were made at the expense of these funds. 1800 m of a new water pipeline was laid and nearly 2 km of an old water pipeline was replaced, pump station was repaired, due to that 200 villagers finally have access to drinking water. Thus, thanks to “NIBULON” centralized provision of Maryanivka residents with water will absolutely improve. Village cultural centre and public kindergarten are being renovated. In spring 2011 Maryanivka village will get its own park. Moreover, “NIBULON” has made another gift for the village, it was not included in direct obligations of the company, – village road illumination is conducted and renovated.

Nova Odesa town did not stay without pleasant and useful for people surprises. The company allocated UAH one million for the creation and development of engineering, transport and social infrastructure of the town. Local community plans to direct these funds on the purchase of municipal equipment for town cleaning.
Besides the transshipment berth in Nova Odesa (Mykolayiv region) “NIBULON” will build passenger riverside station that will become the first step in the revival of passenger traffic in the region and then throughout Ukraine. Thus passenger “Rockets” (as a reference to former navigational times) will soon become a reality!
Cooperation with the government
Constructive dialogue between government and business is the key to the successful functioning of the state and society in general.
Our company always strives to strengthen the partnership relationship with local and regional authorities: “NIBULON” is always ready to give a hand in the implementation of those ideas that the region needs now. Dealing with social issues should be systematic. Only in this case certain results and success can be achieved.
In order to implement state and regional program of socio-economic and cultural development of territorial communities “NIBULON” concluded the socio-economic agreements with village councils in various regions of Ukraine. In these population places “NIBULON” at their own expense is involved in repairing of roads, street lighting, heating of the public facilities and buildings, cleaning of rural roads from snow, supply of purified drinking water for villagers, furnishing and arrangement of computer classrooms, providing first-graders with uniforms and school supplies, transfer of fuel for excursion trips of teachers, providing finishing materials for the repair of schools, providing schools and kindergartens with food, assisting of vulnerable segments of the population, providing diesel fuel etc.
Thus, during the solemn opening of “Kamyanka-Dniprovs’ka” branch a Memorandum between Zaporizhzhya State Administration, Zaporizhzhya Regional Council and management of “NIBULON” was signed. According to the Memorandum management of “NIBULON” obliged to provide reliable partnerships with farmers, to participate in social and economic development of the Zaporizhzhya region etc.

On the 19th of August, 2010 a Memorandum on cooperation and mutual understanding between Poltava Regional State Administration, “NIBULON” and “Hlibokompbinat “Kulinich” was signed. According to the memorandum “NIBULON” supported Poltava Regional authority and obliged to help with raw materials for bakery business in order to prevent increase in social grade bread prices during the year.

“NIBULON” supported Mykolayiv Regional authority and in order to prevent increase in social grade bread prices in the region provided 4 thousand tons of wheat at the discount to such enterprises as “Mykolayivkhlib” and “Corovay”.
The purpose of advanced technologies is improving the conditions of human labor
Being a market leader means being a leader in everything. To ensure decent conditions of human labor is not of secondary importance. “NIBULON” uses the most advanced technologies to improve working conditions for its workers.
Today, “NIBULON” uses super-modern and advanced equipment, but given the growth of volume of elevators work, there is a need for constant upgrading of equipment to ensure better reception and storage of agricultural products grown and working conditions of its workers.
Management of “NIBULON” has always stood for and will stand for everything that is advanced and latest! Thus, all new elevator complexes of the company are not rebuilt old Soviet elevators, but super-modern high-tech facilities of European level technologies and working conditions.
New modern highly productive equipment is set at the elevators and transshipment terminals. Modern dust-cleaning and laboratory equipment is also installed. All this enables to minimize manual labor, to increase productivity and improve environmental protection.
“NIBULON” always strives to establish high-level working conditions and providin

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2017, 2019

Андрій Вадатурський


Андрій Вадатурський став генеральним директором «НІБУЛОНу» після понад 15 років роботи в компанії — в липні 2022 року.

Він прийняв цю посаду після трагічної загибелі свого батька та засновника «НІБУЛОНу» Олексія Вадатурського разом із матір’ю Раїсою Вадатурською під час російського ракетного удару по їхньому дому в Миколаєві.

З 2014 до 2019 рік був народним депутатом України від одномандатного округу в Миколаївській області та членом Комітету з питань аграрної політики. У 2017 році створив і очолив велику міжпартійну групу, яка виступала за розвиток українських річок як транспортного засобу.  

Має ступінь магістра електротехніки Українського державного морського технічного університету та ступінь магістра економіки промисловості Лондонської школи економіки. У 2009 році за вагомий внесок у розвиток агропромислового комплексу України був нагороджений Президентом України, йому присвоєно звання «Заслужений працівник сільського господарства».

Одружений, має трьох дітей.

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