New crop will be gathered with new machinery!

NIBULON will gather crop 2009 with new machinery. As a result on June the 23rd the best machine-operators received new harvester keys. The solemn ceremony took place on the territory of “Snigurivs’ka” branch. The head of production department of NIBULON Kostyantyn Khmel’nyts’kyy greeted everybody. He thanked the workers for their work and wished all of them success and God’s help. Then director of the branch Yuriy Moroz, head of production department Kostyantyn Khmel’nyts’kyy, head of foreign production machinery department Sergiy Podolyanov handed over the keys to the best workers: Kramarov O.V. and  Solodkyy S.M. (“Starobil’s’ka” branch), Koverga V.A. and Bradzyuberda V.O. (“Svativs’ka” branch), Kitorga S.V. and Tyuha Y.O. (“Vradiyivs’ka” branch), Klemchuk S.O. nad Vtoruk Y.V. (“Pivdennyy Bug” branch), Dubena S.M. and Malanchuk O.V. (“Kam’yanets’-Podil’s’ka” branch), Shkarupa M.O. and Petrushkov P.D. (“Prybuzhanivs’ka” branch).             Holiday is a pleasant thing but we have to gather crop and in time. So after solemn ceremony the machine-operators started to work demonstrating quality and advantages of new machinery.             The weather was hot that is why press conference was in the dining-room. Mykolayiv journalists were interested in that event very much, so there were a lot of questions. The discussion was substantial and interesting. The first to answer the questions was the director of the branch. “We renew our machinery constantly. Every season our company purchases new machinery, either harvesters or tractors etc. It is very pleasant because it means that our branch is trustworthy. This year we have received 6 harvesters “Case”. Renovation of machinery means reliability of equipment. That is why we can realize more scaled plans and do the work in the shortest terms.” The representatives of the press were also interested in technical characteristics of new harvesters. The head of foreign production machinery department Sergiy Podolyanov said the following: “These harvesters are equipped with 9litres engines that enable to save fuel. With the help of such a harvester one can gather about 50 hectares with crop capacity 40-45 centners per hectare. The conditions for crew are also taken into consideration, in its cab there are system of climate control, trip computer, monitors of crop capacity and grain moisture with sensors of weight, GPS-navigation etc.  ” Today we have to gather crop on 2883 hectares, and namely:  more than one thousand hectares of winter barley and the rest of winter wheat. Hot weather made changes in crop capacity but we hope to have a good crop this year, – said Moroz Yuriy.  – We also work on future crop – and it is very important for our zone. With our climate we can not waste the time and have to cultivate soil as soon as possible. We also deal with quality of grain. Last autumn there was conducted the meeting with participation of all branch directors where there were made joint plan of actions in pest control and namely corn-bug. We cultivated fields and their edges, forest plantations – those places where corn-bug winters. This year we cultivated our fields five (!!!) times (earlier one treatment was enough). So we hope that there will be no corn-bug on our fields. For information Together with “Snigurivs’ka” branch, “Bashtans’ka”, “Prybuzhanivs’ka” and “Lidiyivs’ka” branches started to gather crops. In general in Mykolayiv region there was sown 3300 hectares of winter barley, 6300 hectares of winter wheat and 1100 hectares of spring barley.  Photo report

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Андрій Вадатурський став генеральним директором «НІБУЛОНу» після понад 15 років роботи в компанії — в липні 2022 року.

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З 2014 до 2019 рік був народним депутатом України від одномандатного округу в Миколаївській області та членом Комітету з питань аграрної політики. У 2017 році створив і очолив велику міжпартійну групу, яка виступала за розвиток українських річок як транспортного засобу.  

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