“NIBULON” is indignant at attempts of informational discredit of the company – announcement of the company’s management

On the 12th of August, there was a publishing that contained inveracious and provocative information about “NIBULON” on the website of informational agency “Intermedia Consulting”. This article was copied without a check and even with “creative” additions by a number of Internet publications in Ukraine. In a completely anopisthographic text, without specific reference to official sources, it was said about violations that were allegedly found during the control of branches of “NIBULON” in Poltava and Vinnytsya regions by corresponding institutions. We declare that this information is not only untrue, but moreover it is a unveiled attempt to administer our company’s reputation a destructive blow and to discredit the company – the leader of the domestic agricultural market, prompt tax payer and a leading national investor in the agrarian sector of Ukraine. This method of false data submission demonstrates the complete incompetence of the author in the current grain production questions and ignorance of the mechanisms of the grain market work, contempt to readers and recipients of such information. We are extremely concerned about the fact that the media that published negative information about the company, did not even try to get “NIBULON’s” comment or explanation. This allowed us to conclude that whoever is behind the emergence of such messages he was interested in compiling information puzzle at his own benefit and in order to receive benefits at the expense of losses, which he tries to cause not only to “NIBULON”, but to thousands of farmers that may lose a chance to sell grown crops at market prices in the height of season. Information about “ NIBULON” is harshly taken out of context and attached to the overall negative information, fudge facts and corrected them in the way that readers can have a desire to attack and distrust the company that operates according to international standards of agricultural production, and its high reputation is additionally confirmed not only by support of national authorities and business partners, but also by governments of Denmark and the Netherlands, the World Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, a number of international organizations and business partners worldwide. Our company is indignant at an attempt to sling mud and slander the Deputy Prime Minister of Agrarian Policy Victor Slauta. Today he is one of a few highly skilled professionals not only on agrarian issues, but also in public administration in the agrarian sector, anticrisis manager who has repeatedly proved its high professionalism and devotion to the interests of the state, including helping to restore the grain market after numerous prohibitions of past years.  We emphasize: “NIBULON” stands for transparent operation of grain market and enhance state food security and strengthening of social stability. Evidence of this will be our direct supply of grain to bakers at fixed prices that will guarantee stable prices for bread in the future. We are ready to help the state to prevent not only the growth of bread value increase but also to prevent deterioration of its quality. Soon we will sign memorandums with authorities in several regions. The current attempt to discredit is not the first case of “black PR” against “NIBULON”. Experience has shown that our business hinders some people in Ukraine, it does not only declares but consistently embodies the policy of openness and stands for raising the standards of work in the domestic grain market, with its own example showing the benefits of such work, and initiates unshadowing of the market. While we understand that our company will always remain “red-ripe apple” to enviers that will constantly be attacked by the hungry “worms”, we will continue to work with our partners openly and transparently, according to clear rules of the games, adhering to strict requirements of the law. We declare that all the granaries of “NIBULON” are working in a normal mode, there has not been any case of stoppage of certificate validityof services conformity for grain storage and products after its processing in our facilities since the carrying into effect of certification of conformity standards.  Also at present “NIBULON” has not received any claims to its branches from the inspecting bodies mentioned in material that would testimony the violation of legislation requirements or failure of grain storage process technology. We call manufacturers and media representatives’ attention to that in Crimea, our company does not work at all, and in Vinnytsya region “NIBULON” has no elevators and practically does not pursue the straight procurement of grain from local farmers. The company is proud of a branch “Khmil’nyk” in Vinnytsya region that cultivates grain on approximately  5000 ha and has a certified warehouse that intakes grain, grown by this branch. However, the purchase of grain is not pursued by this branch at all. Any transposing of grain from company’s elevators to the transshipment terminal of “NIBULON” in Mykolayiv, that is the point of accumulation, is conducted according to the law of Ukraine “About grain and grain market in Ukraine” and the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 848.“On approving the order of grain and products after processing quality certificate issuance” dd 23rd of July 2009. According to these official documents, while transposing grain along the territory of Ukraine to the accumulation points, except for export-import operations, certificate of quality of grain inspection is not required. Control of the state bodies at this stage can be carried out only on request of bailor, in this case – “NIBULON” that transports grain within its own company. Despite everything, shipments of grain from elevators of “NIBULON” for internal market demands of Ukraine and transportation to the accumulation points is performed by grain quality certificates issued by the grain warehouse that corresponds to the Decree № 228 of Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine dd 15th of June, 2004 “On Confirmation of regulations of grain warehouse”. We want grain producers and representatives of mass media to direct their attention to the fact that grain quality certificate is issued on monetary base by territorial bodies specially authorized body in the sphere of state control of grain quality. Therefore, the information extended in mass media that grain is transported within the company without unnecessary in this case, additional paid certificate of grain inspection, we regard as arrogant attempt to extract “tribute” from the company which has the largest network of certified modern granaries, and as an action that violates current legislation of Ukraine, promotes corruption and the shadowing of the grain market. Meanwhile, the export operations of “NIBULON” are conducted solely from its transshipment terminal in Mykolayiv, where the representative of grain inspection operates around the clock, who controls compliance with all regulated by law procedures for operations with grain. According to Article 21 of the Law of Ukraine “On Grain and Grain Market in Ukraine” Certificate of grain quality must be obtained during such operations. This requirement is steadily fulfilled by the company. We stress that most indicators that determine the quality of grain on all the elevators of “NIBULON”, are adjusted by an automated process that is performed at the certified world-class equipment and fully meets the requirements of both Ukraine and countries importing grain. Experts who determine the quality of grain on the elevators of “NIBULON”, had specialized training in Ukraine with the participation of international organizations and in the best laboratories of Egypt obtaining certificates of training. As for claims in mass media materials to the fact that “NIBULON” does not stamp waybill, we explain that the process of determining the grain quality in all laboratories of “NIBULON” ends with automatic printing of test results. This document can not be falsified or rewritten, and it is an equivalent to the stamp in the waybill. It is automatically added to the accounting documents, stored in a database of laboratory and it is given to the person who delivered the batch of grain to the elevator of “NIBULON”. This process is generally accepted world practice and it does not contract to legislation of Ukraine, but also fully reconciles with government policy of introducing e-governance and fighting corruption. We remind you that the task of fighting corruption the President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych has repeatedly put to the government and business. Therefore, automated process for determining the quality and other indicators of grain at the elevators of “NIBULON” prevents corruption, minimizing human factor. Notably, old-fashioned method of stamping of waybills is still used in the system of JSC “Bread of Ukraine”, laboratorians fill them out by hand. However, these methods have proven their ineffectiveness, subjectivity and shown a large error probability. That is why our company had to give up such practices – to the benefit of modern technologies, used in international practice. Thus, on any elevator of “NIBULON” supplier of grain on the ground receives test results and all relevant documents relating to the grain batch. And at the terminal in Mykolayiv tests results are even publicly highlighted on external displays, so they can not be hidden. Grain producers and representatives of mass media please pay attention to the fact that no items in contracts which would determine “material losses in the amount of 0.2% of the pledged capacity of grain during storage”, according to some media, “NIBULON” does not stipulate. Grain inspection checks and confirms correctness of calculations with the custodian (material losses including) in the process of peeling approval acts that are compliant with the owner of the grain.  We want to emphasize that there were cases when grain was shipped by “NIBULON’s” branches with the quality certificate issued by the inspector of grain inspection from Poltava region, but this document was not valid in Mykolayiv region. There were 77 cases of the same type during 2009-2010 marketing year. These are cases, when representatives of the same official agency could not find a compromise. We appeal to the Ministry of Agriculture not to allow such incidents in future and to pay greater attention to training of specialists of grain inspection whose work affects not only the activities of companies-exporters, but the welfare of producers of grain. We want to emphasize that today “NIBULON” is the only company in the agricultural sector of Ukraine that works with suppliers on the principle of “a single window” and demonstrates a complete openness towards all of its partners. Over five consecutive years our company regularly openly informs about the prices in the world market of grain on its website. We have never concealed this information – neither in reduction of prices period, nor in period of price increase. Statistics of attendance shows that our company’s website is one of the most visited in the Ukrainian segment of Internet. The following fact proves that information we publish is very important: when during a few days we did not publish data of the prices in the grain world market, not only producers and colleagues began to apply to us, but also representatives of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, ministries and agencies asking them to provide them with current information on price trends for management reports. A recent poll on whether visitors want us to limit access to information on world prices, purchase prices of companies and requirements for grain showed tremendous indifference of people to this issue. 4600 unique Internet users (hosts) took part in the poll, and the company’s answering machine received nearly 26,000 calls asking not to restrict access to information.  Sadly, that such a key factor as information in the modern world is ruthlessly distorted and used to destruct strategic for Ukraine’s area – the competitive grain market brutally. We are outraged by another attempt under cover of the President and the Prime Minister’s orders to hurt the business reputation of our company and intimidate our partners, mislead the authorities, market participants and producers deliberately. We also consider the current publicity attack against Victor Slauta as a blow to 88 thousands of enterprises that work in the agricultural sector of Ukraine and that is almost half the population of our country. We declare that the accusations of “NIBULON” that it has a lobby in government – are unfounded. We have never used the privileges, grants, discounts, etc., to achieve the current leading position in Ukrainian market. We have always worked in hard competitive environment next to the powerful transnational corporations, which, unlike us, always experience serious support of their governments both on the territory of their own countries and internationally. So for us leadership – is a remarkable victory that we won in a fair market competition with the most worthy opponents. We have always built our work solely on partnerships with government, and it is a great honor for us when our facilities are visited managers of the regions, ministries and agencies, government, the Verkhovna Rada, representatives of foreign countries – ambassadors, ministers and businessmen at a time when in a time of financial crisis, we put into operation new facilities. You can blame them in lobbying of our company, but attention of key people of both our and foreign state to our enterprises, makes us work more seriously and devotedly. Recently during a meeting of the Committee on economic reforms in Zaporizhzhya General Director of “NIBULON”, Hero of Ukraine Oleksiy Vadaturskyy on the invitation of Zaporizhzhya Regional State Administration Boris Petrov had the opportunity to present, in the presence of the President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych, to economic and political jet set of the region and Ukraine, large-scale investment program on revival of the Dnipro River as a transport waterway. Our enterprises were visited by the current President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych – he could see with his own eyes how do we work. Our company is ready to support any actions of the authorities if they are constructive. In today’s difficult economic situation it is obvious that to destroy the industry, which is the future of our country, economic stability and social security is at least unwise. We appeal to the authorities to open dialogue and a balanced policy that will not allow to destroy 88 thousand of enterprises of grain industry of Ukraine, to bury those who cultivates grain. We call on to prevent the returning of shadow schemes and “black money” to grain market, affecting the situation only by market methods and mindful of the role of Ukrainian grain on the world food market. We believe that a series of false publication in mass media have appeared once after the General Director of “NIBULON”, Hero of Ukraine Oleksiy Vadaturskyy during a recent meeting in the Ministry of Agricultural Politics criticized the activities of the Agrarian Fund of Ukraine, that in time of crisis would have to act as a stabilizing factor in maintaining of affordable price for bread and to enable farmers to sell grain at high prices. A series of mentioned publications in mass media we estimate as a revenge for such candid remarks. We do not exclude that ambitious informational war and pseudo-damaging information will continue not only against us but against other market participants. We urge producers to verify the negative information that appears in mass media about the company’s buyers. We warn media representatives – do not go on a leash of dealers, their aim is partition of strategic for the state market, people who know only one mathematical operation – division. Indulging dishonest game of such people, representatives of mass media turn into weapons in the hands of criminal interest. And unlike guns and machine guns, this weapon is of mass destruction. We pay attention of mass media that the investment project of “NIBULON” provides with work places not only to 4 thousand employees, their average age is 30 years, but provides with funding local budgets, employs a few thousand team of leading Ukrainian shipyard “Wadan Yards Okean”, provides Ukrainian metallurgical and machine-building enterprises with orders, hundreds of construction companies at the construction of each facility and guarantees income for thousands of farmers. So the blow that is thoughtlessly put by media, by spreading false information even about one company – “NIBULON”, influences the tens of thousands of lives throughout Ukraine. We insist that informational agency “Intermedia Consulting”, and other publications that copied or independently published false information about “NIBULON”, publish a rebuttal on their websites, and continue to review the information about our company carefully, that comes from other sources.

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Андрій Вадатурський


Андрій Вадатурський став генеральним директором «НІБУЛОНу» після понад 15 років роботи в компанії — в липні 2022 року.

Він прийняв цю посаду після трагічної загибелі свого батька та засновника «НІБУЛОНу» Олексія Вадатурського разом із матір’ю Раїсою Вадатурською під час російського ракетного удару по їхньому дому в Миколаєві.

З 2014 до 2019 рік був народним депутатом України від одномандатного округу в Миколаївській області та членом Комітету з питань аграрної політики. У 2017 році створив і очолив велику міжпартійну групу, яка виступала за розвиток українських річок як транспортного засобу.  

Має ступінь магістра електротехніки Українського державного морського технічного університету та ступінь магістра економіки промисловості Лондонської школи економіки. У 2009 році за вагомий внесок у розвиток агропромислового комплексу України був нагороджений Президентом України, йому присвоєно звання «Заслужений працівник сільського господарства».

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