A Family Business of the Vadaturskyys

In our company everybody is already used to the fact that on the eve of any event, for example at the beginning of a judicial process, carrying out different public events or an election campaign, a portion of “sensational news, investigations” etc. is downloaded on the pages of the Internet websites.
If you follow “NIBULON’s” development, you know that during 21 years we have worked in difficult conditions and have faced black PR during the whole history of our development. As at every stage of our development there were persons who blackened “NIBULON” in order to appropriate it or to remove from the market.
We seldom offer a retraction, realizing that in most cases there is no sense to answer different absurdities. We are used to showing in practice the way our company works. Due to our persistent work, we proved that the Ukrainian company in its own country under any conditions can not only work but also be successful and reach goals.
And on October 5, 2012 during the next election campaign, on the Internet resource “Novyy region-2” there was appeared another article “Version: “NIBULON’s” success is in a bargain with a Family”. Except “loud” and “sensational” heading, the author was not able to write anything important. In order to provide a reader with reliable information we have to disprove fictions written by some “wordsmiths”.
Trying to evaluate the Ukrainian investment climate, the author concluded that there are companies that do not feel an investment climate decrease and “NIBULON” is among them.
“NIBULON” keeps the following principle as to evaluation of the Ukrainian investment climate: we do not speak about deterioration or improvement of the investment climate and we appeal to everybody not to speak but to improve and form it together! “NIBULON’s” team is sure that it depends on actions or inactivity of either company or its management whether there will be created a normal investment climate in the country or not.
In any historical moment of our company’s development, under any political situation in Ukraine, there were a lot of persons who desired to force a wedge in our relations with the authorities. Let us recollect 2009-2010, for example. During that period our company sustained losses due to a five-month detention of “PREVENTER” vessel. But it did not stop us! Having piloted and loaded the vessel we not only withstood and remained leaders in the agrarian market but also invested costs in the Ukrainian economy. In particular, we carried out dredging works of the operating water area and the access channel (the transshipment terminal in Mykolayiv city) that allowed to take large-capacity vessels of “Рanamax” type with draught of 10.3 m. People, whose names we know, blackened us in the time of previous government and try to force a wedge in our relations with current one.
Since then there have been other attempts to pressure our company. Thus, on July 24, 2010 unknown persons set our office on fire; on August 5 the Attorney General’s Office of Ukraine initiated a criminal proceeding against the officials of “NIBULON”; the Department of Counterintelligence Protection of National Economy of the Security Service of Ukraine built a counterintelligence case; the tax police investigators began criminal proceedings against more than 30 market participants who cooperated with “NIBULON”; the Specialized State Tax Inspection for work with large taxpayers in Mykolayiv city added tax liabilities with VAT for the amount of above UAH 50 mln; in September-October 2010 the custom house blocked the customs execution of grain export operations having forced the company to appeal its actions in a court. In November 2010 the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine together with the subordinate State Inspection on Agricultural Product Quality Control and Monitoring of its Market partly removed “NIBULON” from distribution of the main part of wheat and corn export quotas, and in January 2011 they did not permit the company to distribute export quotas. On March 3, 2011 the Security Service of Ukraine in Mykolayiv region started the next criminal proceeding against “NIBULON’s” management. Hereupon, the company had to curtail its export activity for almost 8 months.
At first sight it seems that we had to give up our activity but we realized it was “NIBULON’s” destiny we had to overcome with dignity. Our fruitful work and documented facts allowed to prove “NIBULON’s” non-participation in the alleged charges. We are proud that we managed to do it in our country. Holding political indifference principles, our company managed to carry out its activity successfully and overcome difficulties despite political situation in the country. And we never complained of bad investment climate.
At present industrial and financial organizations, groups and other businessmen, being interested in the market redistribution and state property privatization, try to “create” an investment climate. Taking into account that there are few state facilities, they want to appropriate such companies like “NIBULON”.
Unfortunately, if you put ideas into action, being announced by the first persons of the government and the leaders of the country, do it honestly, effectively and in such a way others cannot do, it provokes jealousy and dissatisfaction. It is not a secret that in the time of previous government and current one the agricultural complex was privatized by certain organizations, being on the inside in the highest branches of government, which demonstrate “sympathy” to anyone in order not to loose their positions. They understand it is possible to remove the competitor by using black PR technologies, stressing, for example, that it was our company, not them that cooperated with the previous authorities.
All these difficulties and obstacles make our company stronger. Having overcome them, we did not stop our investment activity but also started to invest in the country’s economy. Consequently, our activity is supported both at the regional and state levels. Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov, participating in a solemn opening of the transshipment terminal of “Pereyaslavs’ka” branch of “NIBULON” (Kyiv region), mentioned in Ukraine we talk much about our movement to Europe. But only by “NIBULON’s” example it is possible to demonstrate our real movement to foreground. Mykola Azarov thanked Oleksiy Vadaturskyy for his strategic thinking, perspective approach. M. Azarov noted that he (Oleksiy Vadaturskyy) invests costs in the development of his company and in our country.
Then the author reminds about “NIBULON’s” sale which was disproved by all parties long ago.
A gossip as to implication of Yuriy Ivanyuschenko, the people’s deputy of Ukraine, and other officials, having been generated by certain political strategists, is not new for the Ukrainian agrarian market. Repeatedly, this gossip was spread by different mass media. Since 2003 the company has been “proposed” to different owners. But this version was never confirmed. The company’s management had to disprove different gossips constantly. Probably, the reader will be interested in publications on our corporate website http://www.nibulon.com/r/enews.php?id=3562&page=13. Time passes but the company’s answer as to its owners and top management remains the same: “And if someone asks you how “NIBULON” is, you can bravely answer, “NIBULON” did not sell itself!”
Having concluded that “NIBULON” practically has an inspector from the tax administration in its own accounting department, the author turned around the information and outran time “a little”.
Found out about an experiment on horizontal monitoring implementation carried out by the State Tax Service of Ukraine at the state level, our company wished to participate in this project. The aim is simple but is very important – to demonstrate once again our non-participation in the shadow schemes of the agrarian sector, VAT laundering, etc. We are sure the dialogue between business and authorities, cooperation with either organization will give an opportunity to get a deserving result for both economy of the country and the company. It is very important for us, as “NIBULON” is a Ukrainian company which has property in Ukraine, pays taxes in Ukraine. Therefore, in Ukraine we tend to show that a leader must remain a leader in all aspects.
The result did not keep us waiting long– according to the results of 2011 “NIBULON”, the only one among the agricultural companies, won the All-Ukrainian rating “Prompt taxpayers of Ukraine-2011”, in the nomination “Prompt taxpayer in the agricultural sector”, in the category “Large companies”. The State Tax Service of Ukraine acknowledged our company as a reliable partner to perform the experiment on horizontal monitoring implementation. On October 2, 2011 the Sate Tax Service of Ukraine and “NIBULON” signed a Memorandum on participation in the experiment on horizontal monitoring implementation. According to it the parties “… in order to establish partnership relations between the tax authority and the taxpayer in terms of mutual understanding, trust, transparency, to create and test a system of tax administration” established the bases for regulation of relations between the tax authorities and “NIBULON”.
The date of the experiment commencement is assigned by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. It should be mentioned that an agreement for participation in the experiment on horizontal monitoring implementation can be signed only after the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine will make an appropriate decision.
The State Tax Service of Ukraine signed such memoranda with four companies being the largest in different sectors which demonstrate the status of economy sector the most. Among them are “ArcelorMittal Kryviy Rih”, the company with foreign investment “Lukoil-Ukraine”, “Lukoil-Odes’kyy NPZ”, and “Metro Cash and Carry Ukraine” which statutory assets were formed using foreign investment.
For some reason a wrong opinion exists in the society – if a company develops successfully it is connected with a “Family” at once (a term which is not used in our lexis). And some scribblers, spreading this opinion, always remind current government that either company worked and developed successfully in the time of previous one in order to create trouble for a company. Such statements do not have any grounds. As our accents and priorities remain the same. We did not revise the rules of work in Ukraine. We continue working as earlier. Our company works and will work honestly in the name of Ukraine giving work to thousands of people who have cast in their lot with us. Therefore, it is offensive information for us that “NIBULON” supposedly signed an agreement with a mythic “Family”.
We realize it is impossible to bride a reader using such ridiculous groundless statements. As “NIBULON” has partnership relations with the World Bank, the International Finance Corporation, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, other western banks; we have support from the financial institutions of Denmark, Holland, Norway, the USA; we are proud of our perfect credit history. All these things would be impossible if our company was not transparent and did not work in the legislative field, was not a leader and an example in many sectors of economy. Such trust and absolute authority are not bought, it is impossible to get them by making agreements and changing principles or priorities in the work. This authority was gained by a 21-year history – not due to but contrary to.
At present, as earlier, “NIBULON’s” founders are united by a family but it is a real family and not a fictitious one. “NIBULON’s” business is a family business of the Vadaturskyys. Like-minded persons by their persistent work prove that in Ukraine, despite everything, it is possible to create a prosperous business.
Therefore, once again we have to recommend to everybody not to think of “NIBULON” as a site for fried sensations and not to speculate on the name of “NIBULON” in search of political dividends.

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2017, 2019

Андрій Вадатурський


Андрій Вадатурський став генеральним директором «НІБУЛОНу» після понад 15 років роботи в компанії — в липні 2022 року.

Він прийняв цю посаду після трагічної загибелі свого батька та засновника «НІБУЛОНу» Олексія Вадатурського разом із матір’ю Раїсою Вадатурською під час російського ракетного удару по їхньому дому в Миколаєві.

З 2014 до 2019 рік був народним депутатом України від одномандатного округу в Миколаївській області та членом Комітету з питань аграрної політики. У 2017 році створив і очолив велику міжпартійну групу, яка виступала за розвиток українських річок як транспортного засобу.  

Має ступінь магістра електротехніки Українського державного морського технічного університету та ступінь магістра економіки промисловості Лондонської школи економіки. У 2009 році за вагомий внесок у розвиток агропромислового комплексу України був нагороджений Президентом України, йому присвоєно звання «Заслужений працівник сільського господарства».

Одружений, має трьох дітей.

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