“Pivdennyy Bug” Branch: from a Small Collective Farm to the Leading Agricultural Branch

Berezna village, Vinnytsya region, is located along the Southern Bug River at a distance of 8 kilometers to the west of the district center – Khmil’nyk town. During the Soviet era there was a central farmstead of the collective farm named after Lenin there. In the 90s the collective farm changed its form of property several times: in 1992 – “Pivdennyy Bug” collective agricultural enterprise, “Pivdennyy Bug” Ltd. The latter has existed till February 2006. “In 2005 the resource base and condition of the collective farm dilapidated once and for all. There was no money to improve its condition”, recollects Anatoliy Shahvorost, a former director of “Pivdennyy Bug” Ltd. The only way of the situation, according to the co-owners of the collective farm, was to give the land shares to an agricultural company which would be able to revive the neglected farm.” The villagers had to make a serious decision: at least four companies were ready to take our impoverished farm. “We just wanted a better life for ourselves and for our families: stability, income. We believed that it was possible to revive the old collective farm, new machinery would operate here, and better crop yields would grow. We have chosen NIBULON for its sincere attitude to the community, its decisive desire to revive the Ukrainian village”, tells Anatoliy Shahvorost. On February 20, 2012 there was established “Pivdennyy Bug” branch. Most employees of the former “Pivdennyy Bug” Ltd. started to work for NIBULON. Anatoliy Shahvorost works here as an agronomist. Chief agronomist Sergiy Rebriy follows A. Shahvorost’s example, advises with him on key issues. NIBULON is Sergiy’s first workplace. After graduating from the university and training in Denmark he came to work at “Bystryts’ka” branch in Zhytomyr region, “The most important events in my life connects with the beginning of my work in the company. In Bystryk I met my wife. Together we moved to Berezna village where I was appointed chief agronomist of the branch. Last year our baby was born. I think these are quite serious achievements for a 27 year-old person. But I am not going to stop at what has been achieved. In the company we improve ourselves constantly and work to increase production indices”. “A lot of young specialists together with the experienced workers of “Pivdennyy Bug” Ltd. came to work for NIBULON. Their knowledge in conjunction with the old generation experience brought an unprecedented result: our branch is one of the best in Khmil’nyts’kyy district and by NIBULON’s branches”, says Oleksandr Kobchenko, a branch director. Oleksandr Kobchenko himself began his career in NIBULON. In 2009 he became the director of “Pivdennyy Bug” branch where he had worked as a chief agronomist till now. “He is literate, polite, can organize the working process, overcomes obstacles with dignity, emits optimism and energy”, the branch workers describe their young director. Oleksandr appreciates his team for professionalism and devotion to work, “It is impossible to work in NIBULON without all these qualities!” Speaking about peculiarities of work in NIBULON Oleksandr stresses, “Do you know what the most pleasant things are? Neither working conditions nor a high salary nor even the prestige to work for such a powerful company like NIBULON, though we have all these things and they are very important. For me the most pleasant thing is the period of active field works (whether it is sowing season or harvest campaign).” Of course, there is competitiveness among NIBULON’s branches. The employees push themselves to the limit and, consequently, want to get the best result. And “Pivdennyy Bug” takes the leading positions. Every year the team is acknowledged as one of the best by the indices of cultivation of agricultural crops. In 2012 the branch took the first places among NIBULON’s branches in the amount of soybean harvest, winter barley yield, crop yield and croppage of winter rape. “Pivdennyy Bug” has been recognized as one of the best farms of the region for the last years. The director and the branch staff were awarded with the honorable diplomas of the District State Administration and the District Council. Last year Oleksandr Kobchenko became a laureate of the contest “Young Person of the Year” in the nomination “Young Farm Worker of the Year” in Vinnytsya region. The branch employees want to improve their professional and theoretical levels constantly. They attend seminars and conferences both in Ukraine and abroad in order to communicate with the leading agricultural specialists and scientists. “One cannot stop at what has been accomplished in the agriculture. Technologies and science are in progress, we also cannot stand still”, says Segriy Rebriy and gives an example, “On NIBULON’s coming to the region at the neglected farm there were used modern agricultural machinery, the best seed grain, the best plant protection means. Since then the crop yield of the former collective farm has increased twice. Our goal is to increase a crop yield, to reduce prime cost of products, to improve all agricultural indices.” NIBULON’s arrival has brought some changes in the life of the former collective farm. The branch has its own tradition. Twice a year we celebrate the harvest festival. Our team gathers together: we summarize, award the best workers and congratulate each other on deserved completion of the next stage of production activity”, tells Olga Parashuk, a chief accountant of the branch. At present people only recollects the neglected buildings of the former collective farm. The agricultural machinery fleet has increased up to 20 units that actively participate in cultivation of land and crop harvest. It allows to perform main technological activity within optimal terms showing the high quality of field works. The branch is engaged in production of meat and diary products. The amount of leased land increases constantly, people willingly give their land shares to the company that offers them the highest rental payment in the region. Since its first days in the region the company aims at assisting in the infrastructure development. In Berezna village, where the branch office is located, the company allocates funds for repair and purchase of equipment, appliances to the local outpatient clinic, school, kindergarten, house of culture. Siomaky and Nova Synyavka village councils which land is cultivated by the branch receive the same assistance from NIBULON. Last year above UAH 70 thousands were allocated for reconstruction of the therapeutics department of Khmil’nyts’kyy central district hospital. On February 20 “Pivdennyy Bug” branch is 7 years old. The branch celebrates this significant event together with the whole NIBULON. NIBULON’s General Director, Hero of Ukraine Oleksiy Vadaturskyy congratulates his staff and wishes all the employees of “Pivdennyy Bug” branch new professional victories and success!

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Андрій Вадатурський


Андрій Вадатурський став генеральним директором «НІБУЛОНу» після понад 15 років роботи в компанії — в липні 2022 року.

Він прийняв цю посаду після трагічної загибелі свого батька та засновника «НІБУЛОНу» Олексія Вадатурського разом із матір’ю Раїсою Вадатурською під час російського ракетного удару по їхньому дому в Миколаєві.

З 2014 до 2019 рік був народним депутатом України від одномандатного округу в Миколаївській області та членом Комітету з питань аграрної політики. У 2017 році створив і очолив велику міжпартійну групу, яка виступала за розвиток українських річок як транспортного засобу.  

Має ступінь магістра електротехніки Українського державного морського технічного університету та ступінь магістра економіки промисловості Лондонської школи економіки. У 2009 році за вагомий внесок у розвиток агропромислового комплексу України був нагороджений Президентом України, йому присвоєно звання «Заслужений працівник сільського господарства».

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