Corporate management

NIBULON Ltd. is registered and operates in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.

The company is managed by the General Meeting of Participants and the Board of Directors.

Board of Directors

NIBULON has a one-tier Board of Directors consisting of independent non-executive directors and executive directors.

The Board of Directors is a collegial executive body of the Company, which, within the competence defined by the Charter and legislation, manages the Company’s day-to-day operations, as well as supervises, manages risks, and controls the activities of the Company and executive members of the Board of Directors.

Andriy Vadaturskyy

Andriy Vadaturskyy became NIBULON’s CEO in August 2022. He took over after the tragic death of his father and NIBULON’s founder, Oleksiy Vadaturskyy, alongside his mother, Raisa Vadaturska, in a Russian missile strike on their home in Mykolaiv.

He earlier served the company in a variety of roles, including as the Deputy General Manager for Trade from 2003-2014. During this time, NIBULON became one of Ukraine’s top agricultural exporters and an important contributor to global food security. Since 2019, he has chaired NIBULON’s supervisory board.

From 2014 to 2019, he was a Member of Ukraine’s National Parliament, representing a single-member district in Mykolaiv region and sitting on the Committee on Agrarian Policy. In 2017, he created and led a large cross-party group that supported the development of Ukrainian rivers as a means of transportation.

He holds an MS in Electrical Engineering from the Ukrainian State Maritime Technical University and an MS in Industrial Economics from the London School of Economics. In 2009, he was awarded the title “Honoured Worker of Agriculture” by the President of Ukraine for his significant contribution to the development of Ukraine’s agro-industrial complex.

He is married and has three children.

Oleksii Pavlenko joined NIBULON’s team in 2023 as an Advisor to the CEO and a member of the Advisory Board to help the company adapt to new operations realities caused by the war.
Oleksii has significant managerial experience gained in both the commercial and the public sectors. From 2002 to 2003, as a member of an Audit Committee and a member of Restructuring and Business Development teams with Damen Shipyards Group (the Netherlands), he provided projects realization in Ukraine, Romania, and the Netherlands. From 2004 to 2006, he served as CEO of Rise Group. From 2007 to 2009, he was CEO of Foxtrot.
Over the years, Oleksii has led or been a member of supervisory boards and consulted various enterprises and organizations such as European Milk Technologies, Agroprogress Holding Ltd, Forum Capital, Mriya Farming, GN Terminals, National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy.
From 2014 to 2016, he held the position of Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine.
Oleksii holds a bachelor’s degree in economics from the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, a specialist’s degree in finance from the International Privatization Center (International Business School), a master’s degree in international management from Ukrainian Academy of Foreign Trade, and an MBA from Nyenrode Business School (the Netherlands). In 2010, Oleksii obtained a Candidate of Sciences degree. Since 2022, he has been pursuing a Doctor of Sciences degree at the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine.

Executive directors

Volodymyr Slavinskyi

Volodymyr’s professional path is inextricably linked with NIBULON, where he has been working for over 11 years. He has extensive experience in the field of establishing foreign economic relations and wholesale trade of grain crops.

With the active participation of Volodymyr’s team, significant transformations took place in the company, namely the implementation of the best market practices in terms of trade and a new risk management system, as well as systematization of sales and procurement activities. Additionally, the trade department under the leadership of Volodymyr contributed to shaping the goals and investment program strategy for the construction of elevators and the development of the river fleet.

In February 2023, Volodymyr was appointed Director of Trade at NIBULON. In this position, he is responsible for commercial activities in terms of the company’s trading activity, as well as the purchase of agricultural products.

Serhii Kalkutin has been working at NIBULON since 2006, holding managerial positions since 2012.

His professional development is linked to NIBULON’s transshipment terminal in Mykolaiv, where Serhii progressed from a transporter and dispatching service operator overseeing loading and unloading operations to Deputy Director.

Before assuming the position of Director of Logistics at NIBULON in 2023, he worked as Deputy General Director of Logistics of the company for 6 years.

At NIBULON, Serhii Kalkutin oversees all general aspects of the logistics department, monitors the execution of international contracts, ensures the continuous and efficient use of all modes of transport.

Oleg joined NIBULON’s team in April 2023 as a technology consultant of the agricultural production department. In May, he was appointed to the position of Director of Agricultural Production.

He graduated from the Central Ukrainian National Technical University in Kropyvnytskyi, majoring in Agronomy. He has extensive experience in agribusiness in managerial positions. In particular, he worked as Production Director at TRIGON FARMING and Agrarian System Technologies.

As NIBULON’s Director of Agricultural Production, Oleg is responsible for defining the strategic direction of agricultural development, developing an action plan for its implementation, including investment programs and budgeting.

Valerii has been working for the company for over 20 years. He started as an engineer at Starobilskyi elevator of NIBULON. In just three years, he was appointed Chief Engineer of Vradiivska branch, and three years later he became Director of Reshetylivska branch, which he headed for almost 10 years.

He was involved in the construction of Reshetylivska branch. It was the first linear elevator among seven elevators in Poltava region and particularly in NIBULON. Later, he influenced the processes of the company’s elevator network construction, worked on improving the technological processes of elevator operations.

In 2009, after a visit to the USA, he introduced the latest corn drying technologies to the company.

In 2015, he was appointed as Regional Director of NIBULON, a position he held for 8 years.

Since the beginning of 2023, Valerii Reutsoi has been working as Director for Elevators Operation at NIBULON. In this position, he determines the strategic development direction of the grain storage sector, including investment programs and budgeting. Additionally, he will be responsible for the quality and conditions of grain storage, as well as the company’s expansion into new regions.

Iryna Levkivska joined NIBULON at the beginning of August 2023.

In the position of Chief Financial Officer, Iryna is responsible for overseeing operational activities and financial operations, interacting with banks, auditors and consulting companies, attracting investments, implementing and automating processes based on the updated ERP system.

Iryna graduated from the Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. She has a master’s degree in International Business and a translator’s diploma. For 14 years, she was involved in the transformation and automation of the financial function, the establishment of a Shared Service Center, and the reorganization of operational business models. She worked for national and international companies such as Eavex Capital (investment bank), Zeppelin Ukraine (equipment distributor), DTEK (diversified energy holding), and Kovalska (leader of the construction industry).

Yana Romanenko joined NIBULON’s team in 2022.

She has more than 15 years of experience as a manager in such fields as logistics, distribution, agricultural production, metallurgy, production and processing in such companies as ArcelorMittal, Ukrlandfarming, Mriya Agroholding, DTEK, UFO, TIS.

Yana is a practicing trainer with more than 10 years of experience.

She holds a Master of Businesss Administration (EMBA) degree from Kyiv-Mohyla Business School.

At NIBULON, Yana is responsible for the implementation of the HR plan and new corporate culture, development of comprehensive recruitment and retention strategy, reward systems, and KPI. Additionaly, she works with the team on the projects related to personal reserve, succession, training and development of employees.


Anna Lazurenko joined NIBULON in May 2023 as head of the legal department. Shortly thereafter, she was appointed as Chief Legal Officer.

She has more than 20 years of experience in the agricultural sector and food industry. In particular, she worked for the following international companies: Louis Dreyfus Company Ukraine (16 years), Delta Wilmar Ukraine (5 years).

Anna graduated from the Faculty of Law of Kyiv National University of Economics named after Vadym Hetman.

In the position of Director on Legal Affairs, Anna is responsible for legal support of the company, management of the legal department and lease relations department.

Mykola Riasko joined NIBULON’s team as Chief Information Officer in July 2023.

Mykola has extensive experience in retail, FMCG, logistics, agriculture, and production. Mykola worked in large international and national companies, including UKRPROMINVEST-AGRO and Retail Group.

Mykola has a high technical and economic education. He graduated from the National Technical University “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” and Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman.

He has an MBA degree in IT.

In the position of Chief Information Officer, Mykola is responsible for the development and implementation of IT development strategy, changes in the IT architecture, reorganization and strengthening of the IT-structure, selection and implementation of the EPR system, launch and management of internal corporate projects, development and operation of an automated system for managing technological processes.

Board of Directors' Committee

NIBULON Ltd. has four Committees to preliminarily study and prepare for consideration of issues to be submitted to the Board of Directors, as well as to provide the Board of Directors with recommendations on issues within its competence.

Transformation and Investment Committee

Responsible for the development and implementation of the strategic plan and strategic transformation plans, as well as assessing the risks associated with such plans. The Committee also monitors the implementation of strategies and strategic transformation plans and the implementation of investments approved by the Board of Directors or the General Meeting.

Nomination and Remuneration Committee

The Nomination and Remuneration Committee is responsible for formulating proposals on human resources management, determining key performance indicators for employees, proposals on the terms of employment contracts with employees, developing a transparent incentive system, ensuring compliance with applicable labor laws, and implementing the best international standards in human resources management.

Audit and Risk Management Committee

Responsible for preliminary study and preparation for consideration by the Board of Directors of issues related to control and regulation of activities in the field of risk management, internal control, internal and external audit, and compliance issues.

Budget Committee

Responsible for the allocation of financial resources, providing recommendations in the preparation, execution and amendment of the budget, and formulating and evaluating financial policy.

Area directors

Mykhailo joined NIBULON’s team in 2017, having extensive experience as a practicing lawyer. At first, he held the position of Chief Consultant. In 2019, he was appointed Deputy General Director of Legislation, and later he was appointed Deputy General Director of Government Relations. Since February 2023, Mykhailo has been working as Director of Government Relations.

Mykhailo started his career as a legal clinic consultant at Uzhhorod National University. He held the positions of deputy public dean of the Faculty of Law of UzhNU, chairman of the coordination council of young lawyers at the main department of justice in Zakarpattia Regional State Administration.

He completed his postgraduate studies at Uzhhorod National University and successfully defended his dissertation in 2012. In 2018, he obtained the degree of Doctor of the Science of Law (Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs). He is a corresponding member of the Academy of Technological Sciences. The author and co-author of 2 monographs, about 40 draft laws and 35 papers in professional journals.

For more than 10 years, he has been an assistant consultant to people’s deputies of Ukraine in the Verkhovna Rada.

At NIBULON, Mykhailo is responsible for supporting the company’s activities in all branches of government and communicating with public associations.

Oksana Kudlai joined NIBULON’s team in May 2023.

She has a higher legal and economic education and more than 20 years of experience in the field of supply chain management, including foreign economic activity, transport, procurement, and production logistics. She worked in such areas as FMCG and industrial production. She has been involved in agribusiness since 2009. She worked for national and international companies such as ABA Astra, Atlantik, HarvEast Holding, Mriya Agroholding, Eridon.

Oksana has successful experience in organizing projects, including several startups. She has served as a third-party expert for projects like KAZCHEM (Astana) and Dialectiсa (London).

As Head of Procurement, Oksana is responsible for organizing and centralizing the procurement process, conducting tenders, and organizing the import of specific materials for production.

Andrii Volik received his education in Alma-Ata and graduated from the Higher Border Command School of the State Security Committee. He has extensive experience in the field of protection and state security.

In 1991, he moved to Ukraine and was enlisted in the service of the Odesa Border Guard Detachment as a senior staff officer.

Since 1992, he served in Odesa Border Guard Detachment in Mykolaiv and headed the border detachment that served all checkpoints in Mykolaiv, including sea and river ports, two airports.

In 2004, he resigned from the border troops and, after getting acquainted with Oleksiy Vadaturskyy, joined NIBULON’s team. He started his career in the company as the head of security at the transshipment terminal. Under Andrii’s leadership, a security system was developed in accordance with the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code.

Since 2007, Andriy has worked as Deputy General Director of Navigation Safety. In this position, he was responsible for a wide range of issues, including the maintenance and development of the company’s own water area and approach channels, moorings, water approaches, berth structures, calculation of the draft of each vessel, etc. Later, the duties of the head of the regime secret unit were added to Andrii’s area of responsibility.

He actively participated in the development of the investment program for the construction of elevators and the creation of the company’s fleet.

Since 2023, he has been holding the position of Director of Navigation Safety, Regime Secret Work and Demining.

Yuriy joined NIBULON’s team in April 2023 as a consultant for production rationalization of the agricultural production department. In June, he was transferred to the position of Chief Engineer of the department. In October, he assumed the position of Chief Technology Officer.

In his position, Yuriy is responsible for the development and implementation of the strategic plan for the development of the company’s technical capabilities, functional management of technical specialists, organization and control of timely construction and repair of facilities, ensuring sustainable development of the company, researching and analyzing modern technologies to increase the productivity of the enterprise’s production capabilities.

Yuriy graduated from Kharkiv State Academy of Urban Economy, majoring in Enterprise Economics, obtaining a qualification as an engineer-economist. He has considerable experience in his field and in managerial positions at enterprises in fields such as industrial and agricultural production.

Андрій Вадатурський


Андрій Вадатурський став генеральним директором «НІБУЛОНу» після понад 15 років роботи в компанії — в липні 2022 року.

Він прийняв цю посаду після трагічної загибелі свого батька та засновника «НІБУЛОНу» Олексія Вадатурського разом із матір’ю Раїсою Вадатурською під час російського ракетного удару по їхньому дому в Миколаєві.

З 2014 до 2019 рік був народним депутатом України від одномандатного округу в Миколаївській області та членом Комітету з питань аграрної політики. У 2017 році створив і очолив велику міжпартійну групу, яка виступала за розвиток українських річок як транспортного засобу.  

Має ступінь магістра електротехніки Українського державного морського технічного університету та ступінь магістра економіки промисловості Лондонської школи економіки. У 2009 році за вагомий внесок у розвиток агропромислового комплексу України був нагороджений Президентом України, йому присвоєно звання «Заслужений працівник сільського господарства».

Одружений, має трьох дітей.

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